Thursday, February 9, 2017

Liberals calling the Kettle Black

The liberals who invented political correctness and hate speech must realize that they are violating both when they use name-calling to “mud-sling” at their opponents.  They need to own up to their legacy, which isn’t good.

The Soros funding of rioters is sedition, sabotage and treason. It goes beyond political speech.  Political speech that is protected is simply the right of individuals to propose their political solutions.  The purpose of protected speech is to increase the discussion of our current issues, allowing all options open. 

It’s Liberals who suppress political speech that doesn’t agree with their narrative.  There is no debate; there is only name-calling and brainwashing.  It goes on in schools, universities, media, in Congress and on the streets. 

Liberals have redefined political speech to include corrupt campaign financing that allows big money to purchase our government.

Liberals support lawlessness, because it allows for more corruption. These are the Bolsheviks who riot to intimidate peaceful citizens and remove all questioning and resistance.

Liberals use “kindness” to promote communism. “Feed the Poor” Christians have been duped.

Liberals need to be called out, so that voters can see the truth. Voters need to be skeptical about getting “free stuff” from the government and realize that it is much cheaper to buy their own stuff.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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