Sunday, February 5, 2017

More Refugees

Trump halts (for now) ‘refugee’ flow from Malta to the US, by Ann Corcoran 2/3/17

If you have been reading RRW for ten years, you know this is like Christmas to me!

“New Americans” arriving on Malta (a nation in the European Union) from Libya (Libya the failed state thanks to Hillary/Obama). Photo:

Donald Trump’s EO on refugees stops the illegal flow of migrants who land in a safe EU country—Malta—to your towns and cities.

George Bush started this insanity and Obama continued it. Boat people from Africa arrive as illegal aliens on Malta. International law requires that they ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach—Malta (or in the case of the failed asylum seekers Turnbull is trying to pawn off on us, Australia)—instead many are just loaded up to Anytown, USA. Many are Somalis, btw.

Where is Congress? There are many tweeks Congress could make to the Refugee Act of 1980 and one is to stop this practice of taking refugees from countries where they are perfectly safe AND WHERE IT IS THAT COUNTRY’S RESPONSIBILITY NOT OURS!

When I first began writing about this practice in 2007 or 2008 (I didn’t look back), a US State Dept. employee contacted me anonymously and told me that this “new” policy was heavily criticized internally.

If you are an ambitious reader, you might consider reading through dozens and dozens of posts I have on the topic by clicking here (or use my search window for ‘Malta.’)
Imagine my joy to see the ABC headline:  US halts resettlement program from Malta.

It is only for 120 days, but maybe that is time enough for Congress to do something to stop it completely.

You know, and I know, that there is no way to thoroughly screen migrants who came by boat from failed states in Africa!

Here is ABC News:
A decade-old program to resettle a fixed quota of refugees arriving in the small, southern EU nation of Malta to the United States is another casualty of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.

U.S. Ambassador G. Kathleen Hill told Maltese media this week that the refugee resettlement program has been suspended for 120 days under the order.

It isn’t clear what will happen after the four months have elapsed. Hill said that the U.S. government is “reviewing the program” and the embassy is awaiting “further guidance” at the end of the 120 days.

More than 3,110 refugees have been resettled in the U.S. since 2007 to help ease pressure on Malta from the influx of migrants arriving by boat from northern Africa.

Processing country data at Wrapsnet is informative. I told you about it here not too long ago.

During the first 3 months of this fiscal year we admitted 170 of the migrants that Malta (the EU) didn’t accept and that Europeans had no will to turn back to Africa.

The first number is the case number and the second is the individual number. The ratio of cases to individuals tells us that most of those we took from Malta are single (men?).


Access the link above and look at the waiting list from 37 countries. It looks like the UN dumps anybody in Malta that Europe won’t take, plus everybody else.  Most of these “refugees” are not real refugees fleeing certain death in their home countries, they just want to come to the US.  It looks like there are about 7,000 migrants on the list.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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