Saturday, February 11, 2017

Polls support Trump Policies

New Shocking Polls prove the Democrats are All Wrong, by Onan Coca, 2/8/17

Dueling polls released by CBS and UC Berkeley should be all the proof that Americans need to understand just how out-of-touch the Democrat Party is with the rest of America.
First, a new poll from the liberals at University of California Berkeley is sending shockwaves throughout the state of California. The pollster asked if California residents would like to see the state BAN so-called “Sanctuary Cities” and found that roughly 74% of Californians wished that the state would end “Sanctuary” practices! Remember California easily sided with Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the most recent election, but still the vast majority of the state’s voters want to see Sanctuary Cities outlawed. 

The poll found that 82% of Republicans want the ban, 74% of Democrats, 70% of Independents, and, most surprisingly, 65% of Hispanics!

As if this poll from UC Berkeley weren’t shocking enough, CBS has another poll which is just as shocking but far more disheartening.

According to a new poll released from CBS only one out of seven (roughly 15%) Democrats believes that Islam is more “violent” than Christianity. Comparatively about 60% of Republicans believe that Islam is more violent.

This poll is shocking in that it unmasks the utter delusion that most Democrats must be living under. Thankfully, the folks at the Daily Wire have offered 7 pieces of evidence to prove that Islam is far more violent than Christianity.

1.    Islamic countries and Muslim-majority countries are far more violent and intolerant than any of the two Christian countries on earth or better yet, any of the Christian-majority countries.
2.    Islamic religious apologists are selectively blind to the macabre history of Islam.
3.    A far larger percentage of Muslims are biblical literalists compared to Christians.
4.    Currently, Islam treats Jews far worse than Christianity does. How a majority religion treats the Jews is a litmus test for its level of civility.
5.    When Jesus is mocked, Christians take to social media. When Muhammad is drawn, even in the gentlest light, Muslims burn down embassies and slaughter cartoonists in cold blood.
6.    The world is being torn apart by Islamic terrorists.
7.     Islam hasn’t had a reformation. Christianity has.

Some of these arguments are more convincing than others, but for me the ones which carry the most weight point to the difference in history and theology.

Throughout Muslim history, the Muslim world has ALWAYS been embroiled in religious warfare. Literally, from day one, some portion of the Muslim world has been fighting to expand its borders. While this may have been an issue at certain points in Christian history, the days when Christianity was spread through war ended more than 500 years ago.

Theologically, the teachings of orthodox Christianity are incompatible with acts of violence not perpetrated in self-defense. Meanwhile, violence is a feature of the Islamic faith. Where Christianity teaches the aggrieved to “turn the other cheek,” Islam demands physical punishment in recompense for offense. While Christianity teaches that forgiveness and grace are beautiful virtues to be practiced liberally, Islam focuses its energy on physical manifestations of justice and retribution. While Christianity leaves justice, vengeance, judgment in the hands of the Almighty (and for a future date), Islam demands these things… NOW.

One of the Daily Wire’s arguments does strike me as compelling though – the one dealing with how we treat Israel. Israeli Jews are banned from entering 16 of the world’s Muslim nations; can you think of one “Christian” nation banning Jews? There is none.

Wake up, America. Christianity is the true “religion of peace,” and while it might be politically correct to equate the two great Universal world religions, any cursory examination proves this comparison to be ridiculous. There is no comparison, Islam is by far the more violent religion.

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