Monday, February 6, 2017

Refugees Flee to Canada

Going to Canada! African failed asylum seekers passing through Minnesota to get to border, by Ann Corcoran 2/6/17

I’m sure many of you are saying, let ’em go! Boy Trudeau loves refugees he can have them! But, this story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune is at once informative and fishy.

Note that although the numbers of Africans crossing in to Canada from the US grew the most during the Obama Administration, the reporter, Mila Koumpilova, wants to make it clear that he/she thinks that things will get even worse under Donald Trump’s administration.

Bashir Khan, Winnipeg immigration lawyer, in downtown Winnipeg, January 27, 2017.  He is there to help, see story about “new underground railroad” here:

Actually, maybe not, maybe if we promptly deport failed asylum seekers, they won’t be free to wander up to Canada!
Here is Koumpilova,

More than 430 African migrants have arrived in Winnipeg since April, up from 70 three years ago. Most come by way of Minneapolis, sometimes after grueling treks across Latin America and stints in U.S. immigration detention. [Donald Trump has only been President for a month, so they can’t pin this on him!—ed]

The men pay hundreds of dollars for middle-of-the-night cab rides north to the Canadian border. They wade into the Red River to dodge border agents in summer and trudge through waist-deep snow in winter. On Christmas Eve, two wandered in the wind-swept flatness and lost their fingers to frostbite.

Minnesota has become a key stop for a soaring number of migrants from Somalia and other African countries who sneak into Canada to seek asylum. More than 430 arrived in Winnipeg since April, up from 70 three years ago. Most come by way of Minneapolis, sometimes after grueling treks across Latin America and stints in U.S. immigration detention.

The exodus is now coinciding with new steps by the Trump White House to restrict immigrant and refugee entry policies expected to spur even more crossings. [Is this reporting or editorializing?—ed]

A tangle of factors is fueling the surge: brisker traffic along an immigrant smuggling route out of East Africa, stepped-up deportations under the Obama administration and the lure of Canada’s gentler welcome. Advocates expect the Trump administration’s harder line on immigration will spur even more illegal crossings into Canada, where some nonprofits serving asylum seekers are already overwhelmed.

Now Canadians worry smugglers are making fresh profits from asylum seekers and migrants take more risks to make the crossing. [Remember readers everyone expected Hillary to win, so they can’t pin this on Trump as if these illegal aliens who went to Canada last summer and fall had advance notice that immigration hardliner Trump would win!—ed] So why did numbers crossing to Canada swell under Obama? I have an idea.

Minnesota Immigration lawyer, Marc Prokosch: We previously didn’t deport failed Somali asylum seekers, we left them alone (to live in your towns and cities!)
Koumpilova continues….

The number of migrants crossing near Emerson has swelled steadily since the early 2010s, based on data from Canadian border authorities. Provinces from Quebec to British Columbia have seen major increases as well. Almost 60 percent of the Manitoba arrivals since the start of the Canadian fiscal year in April were Somali, with growing contingents from Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Ghana.

Why don’t lazy, biased reporters ever ask where all the money comes from for the poor phony ‘refugees’ to travel across the world?

Samatar [Somali star of the story—ed] says he fled southern Somalia in a hurry. In neighboring Ethiopia began a grueling, monthslong journey: a flight to Brazil and a trek north through nine countries. What the smugglers did not tell him and other migrants: When they presented themselves to U.S. immigration authorities to seek asylum, they would be detained. “I was totally not expecting I would be in jail,” Samatar said. “I was shocked.”

After his asylum application was rejected, he was released to await deportation. Within weeks, he was bound for Canada by way of Minneapolis.

And there you have the answer as to why these treks to Canada increased. In addition to Boy Trudeau putting out the welcome mat, the Obama Administration was releasing FAILED asylum seekers. Heck maybe human rights friends of Obama even gave them some money and a map to Canada!

A dozen recent border crossers interviewed in Winnipeg echoed Samatar’s story. Many paid $10,000 or more to smugglers who flew them to South America and ferried them north by bus, car, raft and on foot a smuggling route first forged to shuttle Somalis stuck in long refugee resettlement waits or with no access to that program. 

They report fleeing mandatory years-long military service in Eritrea, discrimination against gays in Ghana and general poverty and unrest in the region. [What the hell! No access to refugee resettlement! We have taken well over 100,000 Somalis in the last two decades!—ed]

Then came time in U.S. immigration detention and the denial of their asylum claims. [These illegal aliens who came in through South America, Central America and Mexico could have asked for asylum in any safe country along the way. They are not legitimate asylum seekers and obviously the asylum judges agreed!—ed]

And, look at this! Formerly FAILED Somali asylum seekers were just allowed to blend into American towns and cities! Meanwhile, the pace of deportations to Somalia has picked up. In previous years, the United States mostly sent back people who came legally as refugees but committed crimes before becoming citizens, says Minneapolis attorney Marc Prokosch. Those with rejected asylum applications and no criminal records were “left alone.” But last year, more of them started hearing from immigration authorities they would be sent back soon.

There is a lot more in this story, click here. See our previous posts on the trek of illegal Africans to Canada through Minnesota and North Dakota, here top two posts.

The way to solve this problem (if Canada wants it solved) is to make sure that the US DEPORTS FAILED ASYLUM SEEKERS and does not release them from detention before they can be deported! Tell Donald Trump what you think, here.

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