Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rights and Responsibilities

US citizens have the right to determine our own polities and enforce these at the ballot box.  We have a duty to restore our economy and our Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Due to the inability of American voters to stop the “fundamental transformation” of the US, we find ourselves with a government that is too expensive and intrusive with unsustainable socialist systems in place.  Our economic well-being hinges on our ability to restore the private sector economy to include the harvesting and manufacturing of everything we need to function independently as a country. The restoration of the free market requires that we end subsidies and have consumers establish prices.  

We need to establish “fair trade” and reduce our $750 billion annual trade deficit by exporting our oil, coal and natural gas and lower our corporate tax rate to become competitive and allow manufacturing operations to return to the US to create jobs. We need to end excessive immigration to allow our own citizens to have jobs. We need to restore the rule of law and restore our original immigration policies and sound banking policies. We need to end the refugee program and ban Sharia law.

Our rights as US citizens do not include being pandered to, food stamps, housing subsidies or any welfare payments by the government.  We need to reduce the cost of education and healthcare to pay for these services ourselves.  We need to become self-reliant and restore families as the basic economic unit in our economy.  We need to work our way out of this hole and reduce our debts.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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