Thursday, April 20, 2017

Alex Johnson for GA GOP Chair

Fellow Republican,
We have a big decision to make leading up to the June GOP State Convention in Augusta: deciding who to support for Chairman of the Georgia GOP. You deserve to know the motivations of our party leaders. While you may already feel that you know me from the past four years of my newsletters (see below), or my plan for the GAGOP (published 2 years ago), you may not know why I care, why I am involved, and what drives me.

Unlike others, I'm not involved with the Republican Party as a means to make money as a lobbyist or as a stepping stone for government or political jobs. Instead, my income is from being a self-employed attorney who helps the little guy navigate our court system against the big guys and government overreach.  I'm involved in the Republican Party because of my belief that our family-centered, limited government principles truly help lives. I'm running because our Party must fight to ensure our principles get the attention they deserve.

My background:

By 2013, I had already been involved in the GOP for several years.  In that time, I grew very concerned with the direction of our state GOP.  Sure, we had Republicans in elected office.  Sure, we had committed volunteers at the county level.  But the State GOP was becoming stagnant and starting to wither.  Instead of sharing our principles with minorities, we pandered to them.  Instead of telling the truth, we chose political correctness over holding our own brand, party officers, and elected officials accountable.  Instead of growing, we were shrinking and losing voter confidence.  Instead of raising money, we doubled-down on unfulfilled promises and excuses.  I knew that if we wanted to continue winning, we needed a strong, unified, and personal message to show the public how our principles could help improve their lives and how to be involved with the party.  Improvement would come with growth.

So in 2013, I ran for GAGOP Chairman. The experience was very enlightening.

Many, including those originally supporting other candidates, were overwhelmingly supportive. They agreed that we needed to be better known around the state, increase involvement, and aggressively fight the Democrats. These folks were the epitome of good party activists and positive grassroots supporters.

However, there was a small, loud minority who were not.  Most of them live and work within the paid political industry.  Fearing my proposals to shut off their gravy train, they attacked those who supported me. They distributed lies regarding my political philosophy and past party involvement. They demanded a listing of empty awards and do-nothing titles to justify voting for me. They claimed it was a bad thing that I was helping new people get involved in the party, even though such groups (tea party supporters, liberty activists, 9/12 supporters, etc) were supporting Republican principles and were the backbone of Our Party.

Regardless of any resulting damage to the party, that vocal, paid political minority hoped that everyone would either 1) support them or 2) go away.  Why?  It's easier to make money from politics if you are not getting nagged about principles.  Prior to the 2013 convention, the estimate they claimed was that, at most, only 10% of the delegates would vote for me.

But me winning 40% of the vote proved them wrong!  Despite this, they hoped I'd go away anyway.  However, such a thought never crossed my mind. Instead, I started sending my 
Advance the GOP e-mail newsletters to inform and empower as many Georgia Republicans as possible. All Republicans deserve to know about the actions of our elected officials and party leaders, Republican-friendly events, and facts to make informed decisions at the ballot box.

I had to start 
Advance the GOP, because State GOP refused to do it! Any member of the State Executive Committee can make motions to enact changes to make the party stronger. Therefore, I had expected a newsletter to be forthcoming from the GAGOP after I started Advance the GOP.  One that helped people stay involved using the additional resources of the State Party. After all, why not do simple things to keep people involved?

Regretfully, nobody did. Instead, the party 
started running into financial trouble due to excessive spending, a lawsuit, and declining involvement. Instead of providing a service to the public to justify donations, we became complacent with our electoral victories. What did we hear from the State GOP?  Silence.

So while everyone else stayed silent to keep from offending their friends or rocking the boat, I ran for State Chairman again in 2015.  I 
published a detailed plan of exactly what needs to be done to ensure Republican victories and some details to insure our financial success. Among others, State GOP Treasurer Bob Mayzes endorsed me and helped point out what needed improvement.  I worked with many to figure out the best path forward, and growing our donor base will be the path forward now.

I received 45% of the vote against the incumbent, again against the loud and persuasive efforts of the same, small group of paid political industry insiders. For example, as 
published by the late Republican activist Jon Richards, large businesses and donors promised to donate only if the incumbent was re-elected. But when the incumbent was re-elected, their pocketbooks remained closed. Simply put, they lied to get their desired outcome, with apparently no plans to actually donate. That's the political industry for you, and why electing paid political party insiders will only result in another two years of broken promises.

Having narrowly lost, I again refused to give up. It wasn't about me; it was about what needed to happen. I knew we needed greater involvement in order to ensure Georgia stays Republican, and nobody else was taking action to make that happen at the state level. Our last large primary season brought an influx of newly involved people in Georgia politics, many county parties were welcoming and grew, while I watched the State-level GOP effectively ignore them.

So as I did with 
Advance the GOP years before, I didn't stay silent or complacent. I did something about it. I became President of the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA).  In a matter of months, I helped grow it from about 6 active members to over 170 paid members with 4 local chapters. These are high-quality grassroots activists.  I continued to attend volunteer groups for various primary candidates, including most notably often attending the Cobb for Trump volunteer group (which had 70-120 previously political uninvolved members attend each week!).  I explained how they could get involved with both the GOP and the GRA. Meanwhile, I continued to send out Advance the GOP newsletters with event lists to keep everyone involved.

I did what needed to be done.

During this time, what did these new people hear from those in the State GOP leadership?   Silence.

And as a result of this silence and our party's fiscal irresponsibility and lack of leadership, I am now I'm running for GAGOP Chairman again, and I ask you for your vote and your 

There are plenty of nice and skilled people running to be Chairman, but consider:

I didn't just pop up during this party election season to ask for your vote; I'm the only candidate who 
published plans to solve our State Party financial issues, years ago; I'm the only candidate who has led a statewide grassroots organization to substantial growth; I'm the only candidate  who has kept people informed for years through verifiable action (GRA, newsletters, groups);

I'm the only candidate who stood years ago against the financial problems, not after it was too late; and, I'm the only candidate who advocated for years for standing up for our principles to protect our Republican brand.

Anyone in the political industry can tell you what you want to hear - it is what they get paid to do. But your vote should be informed by action, not more hollow promises or titles. It takes action to prove who you can count on to lead the Georgia GOP into the future.

We are at a crossroads and you have a clear choice. You can watch our state turn blue as we continue to follow the political industry 
employees and lobbyists who will lie to you for their own profit, or you can choose to Drain the Swamp and demand that our party starts serving you instead of them.

I look forward to serving you as Chairman, and I'd appreciate your vote, 
endorsement, and your thoughts.  Contact me anytime.

Keeping you informed, below is a list of other Republican-friendly grassroots events around the state:

Please see below for upcoming events, and 
FORWARD this to your friends to get more people involved:

-Georgia Tea Party Meetings: Thursday nights, 7-9 pm: Speakers, Details, and Other Events are at 
This Link
-United Tea Party of Georgia Meetings: 3 Meetings a Month, Covering Cumming, Lawrenceville, and Buford/Suwanee. 
Link to Calendar.
-Coweta County Republican Women - 
Upcoming Events (CLICK)
-Rockdale GOP meetings Monthly, 1st Thursday of the month at Amici’s in Conyers, meeting begins at 6:30.
-Republican Women of Gilmer County - the third Thursday of each month in Ellijay, GA
-Madison County GOP Meeting (Usually Meets on 3rd Thursday of Each Month: details 

Other Events with Details Through Facebook (clickable links below):

Thursday, April 20th - 
North Metro YR Meeting
Thursday, April 20th - 
Okefenokee Conservative Coalition Meeting
Thursday, April 20th - 
Lanier Tea Party Patriots Monthly Meeting
Friday, April 21st - 
9th District GOP Banquet
Saturday, April 22nd - YOUR CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CONVENTION @ A Location Chosen by Your District GOP
Monday, April 24th - 
GAGOP Chairman's Forum Hosted by CSRA Republican Women's Club
Monday, April 24th - 
Newton County GOP Meeting
Tuesday, April 25th - 
Pickens County Tea Party Meeting
Wednesday, April 26th - 
AYR Meeting with Attorney General Chris Carr
Friday, April 28th - 
GACR Convention
Monday, May 1st - 
Glynn County GOP Meeting
Saturday, May 20th - 
Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership Political Leadership School
June 2-3, 2017 - 
Georgia GOP State Convention in Augusta, Georgia
June 15-18 - 
Foundation for Economic Education Conference in Atlanta
June 20 - 
Run-off Election in Congressional District 6. KAREN HANDEL is the Republican nominee in this race. Turnout is VITAL. Click here to Volunteer.

Georgia Republican Assembly (and Other GOP Supportive Groups): In addition to my involvement in the GOP, I am also the President of the 
Georgia Republican Assembly, the Georgia chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. We stand for accountability in politics to the Republican principles that help peoples' lives. We are specifically targeting and gaining members quickly throughout Georgia (including, most importantly, those who have never previously been involved in politics), and I urge you to consider applying to join (assuming you support what we believe). We have local chapters in Fulton, Cherokee, DeKalb, and Cobb Counties (which are all locally run), and we are spreading throughout the state. This is to empower more Republicans so they will help us strengthen the GOP, grow local GOP chapters, and to ensure that the best candidates are nominated and elected to office (the things the State GOP is currently failing at). I urge you to check out the website to learn more.

And if you don't want to do that, I strongly encourage you to go to other events (listed above) and get involved in not only your local GOP, but also other Republican-principled groups around the State. (NOTE: As the GRA is a bottom-up grassroots organization, anything in this e-mail should NOT be construed to be an official statement of the thoughts, endorsements, or beliefs of the GRA or any of its members)

Event Database:
Thank you to everyone who has submitted information for the Event Database, please send more information! We are still working to compile a complete list of, and support, as many Republican-principled (including YRs, Tea Parties, etc) groups as possible, as well as compiling a list of interesting events by those groups. If you want to be included in this effort, and know of any upcoming events, or happen to know (or be) a leader of such a group, 
please send us your contact information, name of your group or event, and any details.

Let’s work together to find ways to make the Republican Party brand strong. Let’s work together to ensure that Republican policies are enacted which, naturally, make our nation strong. Let’s work together to Advance the GOP.

As shown by past messages below, we will continue to Advance the GOP. If you want to spread this to others, forward it to your Republican friends and 
subscribe them to this mailing list. Together, we can all Advance the GOP in Georgia.       
Thank you for your leadership in the Republican Party and commitment to its principles. 
Alex Johnson
404-436-1GOP (404-436-1467)


I endorse Alex Johnson for GA GOP Chair. I chair the GOP Dunwoody AD precinct and am a delegate to the State Convention. I am campaigning for Alex Johnson to make the GA GOP a “bottom-up” organization to recruit a larger base and drain the swamp.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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