Friday, April 7, 2017

I am an Ideologue

My ideology is embedded in the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence as originally written. I would have preferred that the US federal government be fully compliant with these documents, but they weren’t.  They violated their oaths by allowing the federal government to assume powers not authorized by the law.


My ideology embraces a free market, private sector economy and rejects big government socialism and cronyism. I want to see the US return to the top of the Economic Freedom list. It is obvious that even socialist countries need some form of free market activity in order to survive and that poverty expands when the private sector contracts.


My ideology includes the belief that the Laws of Economics cannot be ignored without consequences. The Price of our healthcare and education should be controlled by the law of supply and demand, but it requires that consumers pay their own costs without government subsidies.


I believe that the US federal government needs to prepare the way to restoring the US Constitution and all other founding documents by filing Amendments to ask States to ratify those powers the federal government can justify to remain in their control.  This could take time, but unless it is done, I don’t believe our economy can survive.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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