Thursday, April 13, 2017

Muslim Scams


If you haven’t figure it out yet, we are being invaded. As butt-loads of new Muslim “refugees” continue to arrive to the shores of America, these idiots are immediately granted access to our welfare system, as their multiple wives and children are granted benefits with no questions asked.
But despite our country’s extreme generosity, these invaders still can’t get enough of screwing us over. Now these morons have come up with a brand new way to con Americans out of literally millions, after the sickening thing that Chicago police stumbled upon several weeks ago.

In a disturbing report, local FOX affiliate Fox2Now exposed how a Muslim business owner opened a fake business under 123 Grocery that then allowed him to buy cigarettes fax-free in massive quantities.

But Walid Abdel Aziz Qaddoumi didn’t have plans for smoking the cigarettes himself. He would then go on to make MILLIONS of dollars in profits from the cigarettes he’d resale to Americans, where the funds would then go straight to line the pockets of terrorists… but that is just the beginning.

Conservative Daily Post reported: The original business opened in 2013. The alleged brick and mortar store was in St. Louis, Missouri. This location never existed. While the address was real, it did not house the business. Having a fake store in Missouri meant Qaddoumi was able to purchase items he would then resell in Chicago for profit.

The tax difference between retail items in the two states was significant, $.17 in Missouri to $1.98 Chicago. Missouri has the lowest state tax in the nation. It has become a prime target for scammers.

This combined with the extra-high taxes in Chicago translated tax fraud into a significant business gain. Using the fake business out of state saved the business owner $243,700 in taxes. Unfortunately for this crooked Muslim, his antics soon caught up to him.

Scamming American tax-payers out of literally millions got him smacked six felony charges, as well as six misdemeanor charges for filing fake business certificates.
While this story is disturbing, it’s not in any way an isolated incident. The misuse of tax-exempt purchases has become big business for many Muslim business owners.

Authorities reveal that this is becoming an epidemic in the states of Virginia, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island and South Carolina, where millions are in profits are being made in these Muslim illegal rings.

New York estimates that a startling 56.9% of the cigarette sales in their state are from this very same scam. While the unfair advantage is in of itself infuriating, the bigger concern comes with what these Muslims are doing with the illegal profits.

Some of the fraudulently-earned money is going straight to terror groups, as evidenced by a story recently where 15 Muslims in New York city were found selling cigarette cartons for $55 bucks a pop, then funneling the money to their favorite terror organization.

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