Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Congressional Resistance

The resistance in the House and Senate to the Trump agenda is no surprise.

If you look at their scores on Conservative Review Scorecard, you will notice that all Democrats get an F grade and 60% of RINO Republicans get an F grade.  They vote like Democrats and they dominate the Congress.

There are 52 Republicans in the Senate, 17 Republicans get a grade from D to A and 35 Republicans get a grade F.

There are 241 Republicans in the House. 80 Republicans get a grade from D to A and 161 Republicans get a grade F.

Both houses vote like Democrats, but Republicans campaign like conservatives. Only 97 members in Congress are even close to being conservatives. That’s 18% of the entire Congress (97/535).

Only 33% of all Republicans in Congress are even close to being conservatives (97/293).

Congress is packed with “big government” politicians, who want to get along with each other. They work for the special interests that fund their campaigns and they don’t work for you. The make it miserable for any conservative who doesn’t want to “play ball”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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