Wednesday, June 28, 2017

50 Million Muslims in Europe

“…an authentic immigrant invasion” is underway, as record breaking number of migrants make it to Italy in two days, by Ann Corcoran, 6/27/17

It looks like the Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi (Hillary gets the credit for killing him and destabilizing Libya) may be right in the end. And, he wasn’t even thinking about the Syrian invasion via Turkey.

We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. (April 2006)

Breitbart reports here  that 13,500 Africans made it to Italy in the last two days.  The journey through Africa, to Libya and to the coast is run by human traffickers, but then as we have reported on many occasions, NGO rescue boats joined by the Italian navy end up delivering them to the shores of Italy.

Invasion of Europe news…Italy’s migrant welcome centers are in a state of “collapse” as huge waves of African migrants take advantage of the temperate climate to make the crossing from Libya to the Italian peninsula.

On Tuesday, 8,500 African migrants are reaching Italian shores aboard 14 different ships, adding to the 5,000 who arrived on Monday. The massive arrivals have led local media as well as politicians to speak of an authentic immigrant “invasion” exceeding the country’s capacity of assimilation.

Officials reported on June 15 that more than 65,000 migrants had arrived since the beginning of the year, but that was prior to the latest influx. Figures for the year now stand at 73,380 migrants into Italy, or a rise of 14.42 percent over the same period in 2016, when then-record arrivals had reached 64,133.

The exodus from Libya to the Italian coast has continuing unabated with no visible action on the part of the Italian government or the European Union to halt it. [All they had to do years ago was to safely turn back a few of the boats to the African coast to discourage  the mass migration from an overpopulated Africa.—ed]

The illegal immigrants who reach the Libyan coast from all parts of Africa (most recently, from the West), embark in the Mediterranean on makeshift boats. The majority of these are picked up either by NGOs or humanitarian organizations or official Italian Coast Guard or naval vessels.

Despite their intention to travel up through Italy into northern Europe, the vast majority of migrants end up remaining in Italy, mostly because the northern borders with France, Switzerland and Austria are closely watched. Continue here.

If you are an American of Italian descent, it might be a good time to see your ancestors’ homeland before it is too late.

Looking for some light summer (beach!) reading about Africa and Europe?  Check out these novels from three prescient authors…..

See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
I just now wondered when I began writing about the invasion and after scrolling back through dozens and dozens of posts in this archive, it looks like my earliest one is in 2010.

Do you wonder sometimes if there were Romans who foresaw the fall of the empire? Or, is it possible they didn’t identify the invaders/Barbarians until it was too late?
Incidentally, “Submission” became one step closer to reality in the wake of recent French elections.

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