Sunday, June 25, 2017

Germany Adopts 100% Surveillance

Germany secretly passed total surveillance of everything, by Martin Armstrong, 6/24/17

Governments routinely pass laws that are expanding their powers to the detriment of personal rights that are buried deeply in legislation only a diehard will read. We have heard about these type of sneaky legislation in the USA, but all governments are the same and Germany just proved it is no more honorable than the worst of American politicians.

The Bundestag passed a secret legislation giving government full espionage powers against the private sector claiming it is an urgent case. The German government is now authorized, thanks to politicians claiming to represent the people, with the right to secretly install spy software on computers and smart phones clandestinely. This will be used for taxes, not just terrorism.

The law was intentionally hidden in a law on driving bans. It was secretly attached at the last minute hoping nobody would notice. Now the German government can monitor messenger services on smartphones and targets WhatsApp so they can intercept or read messages BEFORE encryption.

The government can secretly download their spyware to the cell phone of the suspect without their knowledge. The government claimed: “We are increasingly observing that criminals communicate in encrypted form. This makes it increasingly difficult for the authorities to clarify even the most serious offenses, “said Thomas de Maizière (CDU). The problem is the term “criminal” and tax avoidance is a criminal offense.

The government is loving hackers for they use this as the excuse to grab more power. Rather than simply develop better security, they naturally prefer to empower their intelligence services and police authorities for monitoring measures under the pretense of it being “criminal” and then expand this power to collect taxes.

This is all about government collapsing. They know it. But they refuse to reform. Why surrender a good power until you have no alternative? The problem is, that promotes revolution.


If Germany is going to spend time spying on everything, they will misuse their resources. If this is to prevent terror attacks, they need to go after suspects with search warrants and deport the evil-doers.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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