Monday, June 26, 2017

Muslim Mafia Silent Congress

CAIR INFILTRATOR: BEWARE OF SMILING MUSLIMS, 'Shariah mandates jihad until the entire planet is subjugated', by Joe Wilson 6/24/17, WND

WASHINGTON – In the wake of Islamic-terror attack after Islamic-terror attack in Europe, and more recently a couple of attempts in the U.S., a former infiltrator of America’s leading Islamic organization reveals the frightening extent of the “civilizational jihad” America faces.

Chris Gaubatz, author of the book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America,” made an appearance on Stand for Truth Radio with Susan Knowles June 20 to discuss the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which he investigated as an intern, posing as a convert to Islam.

Since he played that role, Gaubatz has valuable insider information on the conversion process, having learned all that he knows from actual Islamic sources. “Everything that I have learned about Islam has come from Islamic scholars,” he said in the interview. “That’s how I learned about Islam, from going to the mosque and studying how a Muslim would study.”

With this knowledge, Gaubatz is able to share disturbing insights into the Islamic way of life. “One hundred percent of authoritative Shariah mandates jihad until the entire planet is subjugated under Shariah. Jihad is one hundred percent defined as warfare against non-Muslims,” he said.

“Now when I say warfare, I don’t just mean people who are shooting people and blowing things up. While that is horrific and barbaric, that is just one aspect of the war. From a Muslim perspective, from a Shariah perspective, jihad is total warfare. So that’s going to encompass propaganda, media manipulation, political influence operations, subversion, treason, espionage, interfaith dialogue, and yes, the kinetic aspect of the war, the physical aspect of the war, which we normally associate with jihad.”

Jihad, whether through physical violence or more subtle tactics, is the duty of every Muslim, he explains. “I am not saying that there are not good people that are Muslims,’ Gaubatz declared. “I am saying that when we see good people that are Muslims it is in spite of Shariah, in spite of Islam that they are good people, not because of it.”

Gaubatz calls this spread of Islam through anything but outright terrorism and warfare “civilizational jihad.” And any Muslim you’ve ever met could be practicing “civilizational jihad,” even those who seem nice or who condemn “extremism.”

“Shariah obliges, not allows but obliges, a Muslim to lie to advance the jihad,” Gaubatz stated. “Just because someone is friendly with you, and they’re a Muslim, and they smile, doesn’t mean that they are not a part of the jihad in some form or fashion.”

Many Islamic organizations in America participate in this “civilizational jihad.” He pointed to evidence from the Holy Land Foundation trial, which dealt with American organizations sending funds to the terrorist group Hamas in the Middle East, which linked the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political group with ties to terrorism. ICNA promotes Islam through TV ads and billboards, promoting tolerance for Muslims throughout the U.S.

Another such group is CAIR, Gaubatz’s old employer. Founded in 1994, CAIR is a non-profit whose mission is “to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding,” according to their website. However, many believe that their objectives are far more nefarious.

Gaubatz is among them. During his time at CAIR, he saw first-hand ties to notorious terrorist groups. “They were discussing whether or not they needed to work with al-Qaida, specifically Osama Bin-Ladin,” he revealed. “They’re discussing in their meetings, behind closed doors, working with al-Qaida.”

He said later that “they are Hamas doing business as CAIR.” This is especially frightening, considering that CAIR works closely with federal lawmakers in Washington. “They needed to start influencing judiciary, intelligence, and homeland security committees on Capitol Hill,” Gaubatz said. “Their DC office is located just blocks from the Capitol building. So when we talk about this, Susan, when we talk about the insanity of legislators on Capitol Hill that won’t speak out about the Muslim Brotherhood, it’s because CAIR has an office blocks from them and they work, doing outreach with these legislators on a daily basis.” Some are concerned, given CAIR’s close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which Gaubatz considers exceedingly dangerous.

He called for the U.S. to “designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. This would be a huge step in the right direction for this country.” “We are at war,” he said. “The mindset of the American people needs to be that we need to protect our communities and our family and our country.” This may have to be a grassroots effort, he suggested.

“Normally in the past our leadership would confront our enemies and yet that has clearly not happened. And so we need people involved in this effort . . . this has everything to do with Islam.”

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