Wednesday, June 7, 2017

No Refugees No Terror

NO REFUGEES, NO TERROR FOR POLAND, HUNGARY, Prime Minister in Budapest has described incoming crowds as 'a poison', 6/5/17, WND

WASHINGTON – Just days after the Islamic terror attack in Manchester, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło reinforced her opposition to taking in migrants in a speech to parliament. Her statement was followed by another terror attack in London last weekend.

The European Union has called on Poland to accept more than 6,000 asylum seekers or face economic sanctions. Citing security concerns, Szydlo said Poland “will not participate in the Brussels elites’ folly.”

Szydlo has also drawn a direct link between terrorism and the EU’s migration policy, claiming that “it is impossible not to connect them.”

Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak considers the threat of migrants “much worse” than the threat of EU sanctions and has said that such waves of mass migration only harm the “security of Poland and the Poles.”

One Polish minister, Ryszard Czarnecki, went even further in his statements on migrants and terror. Czarnecki has said that the only way to protect Poland from terrorist attacks is by not allowing Muslim migrants into the country.

Foreign travel advice provided by the U.K. government recognizes that “there’s no recent history of terrorism in Poland.” And other countries with similar migrant policies can report the same.

Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban has called migrants “a poison” and believes that “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.”

Orban recently slammed the EU in a speech in Malta, warning that Europe’s “Christian identity” is threatened by runaway immigration. “Migration turned out to be the Trojan horse of terrorism,” he said.

Last summer, Hungary decided to introduce a strict limit on the number of refugees allowed into the country. The country also further reinforced patrols and defensive measures on its border. Only 10 migrants can enter Hungary on a given weekday.

Hungarian President János Áder signed a bill recently that will allow asylum seekers to be restricted to detention centers and gives police authority to return them from anywhere in the country to neighboring Serbia.

Poland and Hungary are two of the most restrictive countries in Europe when it comes to accepting overwhelmingly Muslim migrants – and neither have seen a major terror attack in years.

The rhetoric of these European leaders is echoed by Ted Malloch, Donald Trump’s rumored pick for EU ambassador. Malloch is the professor of strategic leadership and governance at Henly Business School, University of Reading and is the author of several books, including  “Hired: An Insider’s Look at the Trump Victory.” Malloch has praised Poland for defending national sovereignty and resisting globalization.

“Poland has seen that the 21st century will be dominated by the nation-state and not glorified by some regional integration mechanisms or process of globalization,” he wrote in an editorial. Malloch believes that “support for a ‘Polexit’ from European Union oppression is on the rise.”

Luxembourg’s foreign minister has stated that “today’s Poland under [chairman of the ruling Law and Justice party] Jaroslaw Kaczynski could be an EU member no longer.” Kaczynski and his Law and Justice party want to avoid further integration with the EU.

If President Trump does appoint Malloch to the role of EU ambassador, there is little doubt he will align himself with Euro-skeptics such as Orban and Szydło over EU hardliners such as Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel.

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