Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Protest at CNN Atlanta

CNN Headquarters Faces Staggering “Fake News” Protests in Atlanta, By Andrew West  June 18, 2017

The ridiculousness of the establishment media has not gone unnoticed in recent months, with allegations of “fake news” seemingly littering the journalistic landscape.

It began during the election of 2016, when Hillary Clinton was desperately searching for a scapegoat to blame her underwhelming performance on.  It was the Russians!  Or Wikileaks!  Or white American racists!  Or “fake” news!

That last excuse seems to have stuck, at least for the time being, as the ridiculous assertion has been passed around the mainstream media in droves.  At first, it was CNN and other mainstream outlets that were employing the term to attack journalists at Breitbart, Infowars, and other conservative leaning sites, but in a bit of delicious irony, a virtual Pandora’s Box was opened by allowing the label into our free speech society.  Now, CNN and other major news monopolies are falling victim to the assertion that they themselves are “fake news”.

“Main Street Patriots organized a protest at CNN headquarters in Atlanta on Saturday to speak out against what they consider fake news reported by the outlet and other media organizations across the country, particularly when reporting on President Donald Trump.

“Debbie Dooley, co-founder of the Patriots and also a founding Tea Party activist, said at the rally that Trump supporters need to show the country that they are ‘just as motivated and passionate’ about the president as those who oppose him.

“’Expect that we are peaceful and law-abiding citizens,’ Dooley said. “Bikers for Trump 2020 also showed up to support the fake news protest.

“Founder Chris Cox said CNN and other liberal media outlets are guilty of ‘journalistic malpractice on a daily basis.’” CNN has been leading the way in mainstream accusations of fakery, after President Trump has singled them out for their unbelievably biased coverage of his campaign and presidency.

All of this liberal slant has irreparably harmed the network as well, with their rating slipping to the lowest they’ve been in decades during this period of Trump trash talking.  

Conservative network Fox News was the king of cable news for months running, until very recently, after losing a number of on-air personalities, including an unexpected move by former Fox host Megyn Kelly to liberal network MSNBC.

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