Thursday, June 29, 2017

Refugee Fraud

Virginia: Iraqi refugee to plead guilty today to lying on refugee application, by Ann Corcoran, 6/28/17

She failed to disclose a family relationship to an Iraqi terrorist.  Ho hum! There was no American fatally affected.
I’m joking because in a story I read within the last day, but can’t remember where, a pro-more-refugees advocate qualified his comment about no refugees committing terror attacks to say—no US refugee committed a fatal terror attack on US soil.  That isn’t true, and, the main reason there aren’t more is that the cases have been foiled! This is the story we reported in March.

(Dear Supreme Court, family members lie!) We learn that the Iraqi female liar will admit guilt today.

From AP at the Lincoln Journal Star (hat tip: Joanne). BTW, I searched and searched for any photos of the perps, but found none.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A Virginia woman living in the U.S. as an Iraqi refugee for the last decade is scheduled to plead guilty Wednesday to federal charges after being charged with hiding her ties to the kidnapper of a U.S. contractor. [Translation—she lied on her refugee application and in her screening interviews!—ed]

Enas (eh-NAHS’) Ibrahim of Vienna was charged in March on allegations of visa fraud.

Prosecutors say Ibrahim, her husband and her husband’s brother all came to the U.S. and settled in the suburbs of the nation’s capital after receiving refugee status.

But prosecutors say the two men are brothers of Majid Al Mashhandani, who admitted participating in the 2004 kidnapping of U.S. contractor Roy Hallums.
Fraud, fraud and more fraud!

In addition to leaving out any reference to the Islamic terrorist brother because people told them in Iraq (who told them, a refugee contractor!) that they would be rejected from the refugee program if they revealed the terrorist brother, they FABRICATED PERSECUTION STORIES FOR THEMSELVES. See the DOJ press release from March with all of the details of their lies.

How many more Iraqis lied to get in as refugees and to gain citizenship? Checking Wrapsnet just now, I see that since the US opened the floodgates for Iraqis we have admitted 140,576 with no end in sight! Virginia is number seven in the top ten receiving states with 4,536.

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