Friday, June 30, 2017

Refugee Money Pit

IRC sucks down over $115 MILLION tax dollars since Trump arrives in Washington, by Ann Corcoran, 6/29/17

Don’t miss the expose’ from Charles Johnson at GotNews from last week on one of the nine fake non-profit groups*** responsible for placing refugees in your cities and towns.

As I said in my previous post, the first and foremost requirement for any reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is to bar these supposedly ‘charitable’ groups from receiving tax dollars which they can then use to work against us and this White House.

We have extensive archives on the International Rescue Committee and its present leader David MilibandDon’t miss my January post—Trump could save millions by cutting off the IRC!

From GotNews (hat tip Richard at Blue Ridge Forum@highblueridge):

Deep state agents within the Department of Health and Human Services, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development have paid over $115 million to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) nonprofit that is fighting President Donald J. Trump’s America-first ban on immigration from countries with huge populations seeking to do citizens harm.

The International Rescue Committee led by former U.K. Labour politician David Miliband has come under fire since the organization’s Tuesday release on World Refugee Day of an anti-sovereignty self-promotional video calling for greater Muslim immigration to Western countries.

Go here to see the video and the proof about how much of your money they are sucking down.

About the photo:  On the left is CNN’s Clarissa Ward.  She has been hosting the early a.m. show with Chris Cuomo this week.  Watch sometime and see if you agree with me that Ward looks like she is constantly sucking on a lemon!

These are the fake non-profits largely funded by US taxpayers to place refugees in cities and towns (and which use their financial power to propagandize against the Trump White House)!
·       International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)

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