Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Senate Bill Caca

It now appears that GOP Senate leaders are ENDORSING the essentials of ObamaCare -- including ObamaCare taxes -- in an effort to finalize their back room deal and ram through their version of "ObamaCare Lite."

Look at these headlines:

"GOP considers keeping ObamaCare taxes" -- The Hill

"Senate may keep some ObamaCare taxes." -- Reuters

"Senate likely to keep ObamaCare taxes." -- Daily Caller

"(GOP Senator): Keep ObamaCare payments flowing." -- Washington Times


If patriotic Americans - who went to the polls demanding that ObamaCare be repealed - are not outraged enough to take immediate action THIS WEEK, then SHAME ON US! We will have no one to blame if the GOP passes ObamaCare Lite that permanently cements the oppressive, socialistic ObamaCare scheme of Barack Obama.

To make matters more critical, the latest reports indicate that GOP Senate leaders are rushing to pass their secret, backroom ObamaCare Lite deal before the July 4 recess. Demand A #FullRepeal Of ObamaCare!

Source: Grassfire 6/19/17

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