Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trump Transition Headwinds

The Trump transition seems slow on replacing Obama administration employees and reducing excessive immigration. Trump’s big moves saved us from losing sovereignty.

Trump is succeeding in rescuing the US from TPP and the UN Climate scam. ObamaCare is imploding on its own and tax reform should be enacted before year-end. The Supreme Court is back to balance and 130 new Federal Judges are being selected. Trump has put our allies on notice to step up.

The Cabinet has been selected, but the managers and key members of their agencies have not been replaced. Restoring the country requires heroes and patriots, not cowards and criminals. It certainly requires the purge of Communists.  All the Obama appointees and supporters need to go.

We need to kill globalism and socialism completely and put severe limitations on immigration to restore the US free market economy to provide jobs to US citizens.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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