Thursday, November 30, 2017

Political Speech

Political speech is the Bolshevik weapon of choice to justify violent protests.

Political speech is guaranteed in the 1st Amendment. Before the internet, all citizens exercised this standing on soap boxes and handing out leaflets in the town square. American Communists have added violence to the art of protest by blocking streets, physical assaults and burning cars and buildings. The media loves it.

Schools and Universities are obstructing free speech and these entities are taxpayer funded.  These have become “rogue” institutions and like “sanctuary cities” could be denied taxpayer funding.

More parents and students are avoiding US university campuses unless the students are studying engineering or medicine or any other profession that pays well and they have no other options.

There are a few universities who are “free market” friendly and offer courses that actually prepare students to be successful in the US. I predict there will be more universities that will convert from Globalist Marxism to Adam Smith Independence.  

I urge government to begin to take action against the rogue entities they fund.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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