Sunday, December 3, 2017


The US was founded as a Meritocracy operating in a small government, free market economy and it enabled us to build a robust, sustainable economy.


Our immigration laws used to support this Meritocracy, but that began to change in the 1960s and got worse in the 1980s. The US needs to tighten immigration policies to replicate the tight controls we imposed decades ago and reinstall the valve that reduces the flow of immigrants as needed. Our current immigration policies are too loose and allow unneeded unskilled labor and welfare immigrants to enter.


We need to return to the “brain drain”. We need to tighten up the H1b visas to only include the best and the brightest engineers, software developers, computer technologists and physicists to protect and improve our electronics infrastructure. We have lots of them in US universities.


We will need other technical specialists for specific infrastructure construction. This includes welders, pipe fitters and other technicians to construct pipelines and skilled electricians and structural constructors. US citizens should be able to train for and take these jobs.


We need to absolutely stop immigration of anyone who is not qualified for the skilled jobs we need to fill.


We need to remove Immigrants and refugees from all jobs US citizens can perform and send them back to their home countries. This includes immigrants working through temp agencies and in meat packing and food processing.


We need an effective, legal Seasonal Farm Worker system for US farms who rely on them for harvesting until this too can be done by machines.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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