Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Migrant Labor Scam

The UN Refugee Program is based on the false assumption that developed countries need unskilled labor. The developed countries who are targeted to receive refugees have welfare programs and are attracting “welfare refugees”. The benefits of “multiculturalism” have been greatly over-stated.


The genesis of this scam can be traced back to the intentional misuse of demographics. Developed countries with aging populations don’t really need welfare refugees who commit terrorist crimes. They may need to merge with neighboring countries with similar cultures who have a younger population to add to the mix. They may just need to raise their national pension benefit retirement age and continue to employ older citizens a bit longer.


Early Retirement at age 62 is no longer necessary.  Pensions that only require 30 years of work are also unnecessary. These plans do need provisions for disability, but many of those who can no longer do physical work could take desk jobs. My father and grandfather continued to work until age 80. My father-in-law retired at age 87.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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