Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Democrats who voted for Trump

By Rosa Koire, 11/17/16, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

Democrats are out in the streets protesting the approaching Trump presidency.  It's no surprise that they're being joined by Socialists and Anarchists who never miss a good street riot.  

I can understand Democrats who feel as if they were suddenly jettisoned from the driver's seat into a free fall of confusion.  They've lost their sense of being in power and want to feel that intense camaraderie and joy of righteousness they had with Obama. They need to remain connected to their cohort. I get it. They're stunned.  They meet at restaurants, in the check-out line at Whole Foods, at Starbucks, at street protests, and they look into one another's faces with a wide-eyed terror.  

They're like children at a scary movie.  They've succeeded in terrorizing themselves. Their own children are terrified and panicked as they watch their parents fall apart predicting mass deportations, loss of abortion rights, and global inundation from rising seas.  And, in spite of the heavy indoctrination and social attacks, you know that many Democrats did vote for Trump. Even if they won't admit it.

During the election period I switched back and forth from MSNBC to Fox and found it to be both fascinating and disgusting.  The polarization of blue and red was an outrage.  I was especially disgusted by MSNBC's commitment to twist the truth in order to incite the Democrats.  Democrats I talked to were basically ignorant about what Trump had actually said or done, got their information from MSNBC, and never verified with the actual source i.e. a Trump speech, press conference, statement, or interview.  These were intelligent people who preferred pseudo-news and entertainment to actual verifiable information. 

Why?   Why are Democrats so unable to hear the truth?

They are so accustomed to being agreed with that they literally cannot hear dissent.  If they're young people they've been schooled to filter out and block dissent.   During the Occupy sleep-ins around the country we interviewed Occupiers and found them to be angered by mere questions that did not follow the accepted line. Anything that challenged their prepared script was too threatening and too dangerous for them to listen to. It's the New Man. It's Common Core. It's Agenda 21. 

So now what?  

Hopefully Trump really will start scrubbing the EPA, HUD, Interior, Transportation and other agencies of regulations that are destroying our ability to live and be productive in the United States. 

Hopefully cities and counties will be exposed as Smart Growth UN Agenda 21 collaborators and will be forced by their aware citizens to rewrite their General Plans. 

It will be interesting to see if undocumented / illegal immigrants in Sanctuary Cities will have to prove that they really do need sanctuary, and what happens to those cities which break federal law.  

What about the US court system?  Is it possible to bring justice back to the courtroom?

The pendulum has swung too far and now there may be an opportunity to block UN Agenda 21's progress.  Is it too much to hope that we can bring awareness of the devastating impacts of UN Agenda 21 to the new administration?   I don't know, but I believe that there is a chance.  We have to take it.  And as I've said to other Democrats:  Ask yourself why half of the voters in this nation would vote for a President who has never even been elected to a city council.  Why are people so desperate that they will elect an inexperienced billionaire to the office of President?  People have been driven to this by the aggressive implementation of UN Agenda 21 in every area of America.  It has to stop.

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