Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Federal Budget Needed

Republicans need to repeal Obamacare in 2018 and allow health insurers to offer more affordable coverage. 


Republicans need to pass a new Immigration law based on merit in 2018. DACA illegals need to go to the back of the line and be considered for work permits based on merit. Refugees need to be returned to their home countries.


Republicans need to remove welfare benefits from all legal immigrants, refugees and illegals.


Continuing resolutions don’t allow the increases in military spending we need to make and this budget needs to be assembled and passed in early 2018.  We need to revoke the 60 vote rule and pass this budget with 51 votes in the Senate.


If we attack unnecessary spending at the same time, it will be noisy, but will easily end waste and enable us to use the savings to begin to fix the military, build the wall and pay for disaster relief.


Federal transportation funds should only be used to fix the Interstate Highways.  There should be no grants to States for transportation. Amtrak should not be federally subsidized. Federal funds should not be used for transit, parks, roundabouts, greenspace, bike lanes, trails or any form of recreation.  Cities and counties should pay for these if they want them.


Federal education funds should be cut to the bone. Federal “research” grants to Universities should be cut by 90%.  Companies should pay for this research if they need it. Universities have become liberal propaganda cults and need to be dismantled. 


Federal funds for “victims” needs to be cut.  This spending perpetuates the Democrat narrative to continue to push socialism. These non-profits should raise their own money.


Federal funds should be removed from California and other States that ignore federal immigration or drug laws. All States, Counties and Cities need to repeal their sanctuary laws and their marijuana laws to comply with federal law.


The federal government needs to sell the mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and sell student loans held by Sallie Mae to private corporations.  This will give the financial institutions something to do with their current cash infusion and get the government out of the lending business.


The federal government needs to shrink federal lands by 50% and give this land to the States to put into productive use. It should also shrink the endangered species list.


Infrastructure spending should be shifted to States, Counties and Cities. Federal tax dollars should not be used to subsidize airports or fund broadband.


Congress needs to eliminate $800 billion from the budget to make it balance.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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