Sunday, January 7, 2018

Refugee Mitigation in Denmark

Denmark may take more radical action against immigrant “ghettos” by Ann Corcoran 1/6/18

Invasion of Europe news! (I plan to get back to writing as many posts as possible on what is happening in Europe to help America, in my small way, dodge the diversity-is-beautiful bullet during this window of opportunity President Trump has opened.)

Yesterday I reported on German news—can you believe it was even published—about refugees bringing violent crime with them to “welcoming” Germany.

Here is RT on the latest from Denmark which is trying to save itself (unlike Sweden and Germany):

The right-wing populist Danish People’s Party (DPP) has unveiled a radical seven-point plan to tackle social problems in migrant-dominated areas, after the country’s PM said he planned “to physically bulldoze” ghettos.

The most contentious part of the initiative, which has dominated headlines this week, is a curfew on unsupervised under-18 children on the streets of so-called problem areas after 8pm.

Martin Henriksen, the DPP immigration spokesman, says there is already legislation that allows local authorities to impose such restrictions, and that it won’t be applied to students or those with jobs, nor at all times. He said the DPP plan would ensure children study rather than rove in teen gangs.

Henrikson (Danish Peoples Party) says mosques project “divisive symbolism.”

Visible policing will also be intensified in the “ghettos,” which boast some of the highest crime rates in the country. Among other suggestions is a moratorium on the construction of mosques with minarets, as they project a “divisive symbolism,” Henrikson, an MP, told Arab News. Instead, Muslims will be encouraged to pray in unmarked spaces, such as “warehouses and offices.”

In 2017, Denmark received just 3,500 asylum applications – the lowest number since 2008 – but the Danish People’s Party believe conditions for would-be asylum seekers need to be made stricter to whittle this down further. It further proposes that those with temporary asylum must not be given citizenship, but sent back to their homeland as soon as it is safe.

Last month, Henrikson suggested that rejected applicants should be sequestered on one of Denmark’s 300 uninhabited islands prior to deportation.

While most of these ideas would be considered shocking in neighboring Sweden and in Germany, the parties of Denmark’s governing coalition offered no clear official comment – perhaps due to their reliance on the DPP’s 37 parliament seats to secure a parliamentary majority.

My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive which extends back many years is here.


Other European countries would do well to follow Denmark’s lead. Refugees are not candidates for citizenship and are scheduled to be returned to their home countries as soon as possible. Denmark seems poised to follow Poland’s example to not even accept refugees.

The problem in Germany is that most of their dozens of political parties are Liberal and they call Conservatives Nazis.  Germans are socialized medicine robots who keep the EU abomination alive.

The US needs to get ready to cancel immigrant welfare and send them home.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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