Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Refugee Profiteering

US Catholic Bishops received over $95 million from US taxpayers in 2016 for refugee/migrant care, by Ann Corcoran 1/7/18

Yesterday we reported on the Bishop’s 2014 dollars received from the US Treasury, see here.

Now, thanks to reader Joanne (who did some digging!) we see that the USCCB is approaching $100 million federal dollars for their ‘charitable good works’ on behalf of immigrants of all stripes.

Unfortunately, this data doesn’t show us the percentage of private money raised for their migration program, but I suspect it isn’t much more than 3% of their overall migration budget as it was in 2014.

Buried in the USCCB Financial Statement and audit reports, hereSee my archive on the USCCB by clicking here.

My goal is to get the Bishops to admit in media reports that they are being paid handsomely for their good works!

If you are Catholic and looking for something to do, ask your local priest if he is aware of all these millions of federal dollars, especially this week—National Migration Week—when you are made to feel guilty for not being thrilled about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!



The US Catholic Church is “in the Liberal tank” on US Refugee Resettlement. Where is Martin Luther when we need him.  He objected to the Pope selling indulgences and Pope Francis is at it again.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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