Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Article V Petitions Failing

Con-Con Victories Press On!  
Victories keep rolling in! And we owe it all to patriots like you who continue to fight to preserve the Constitution. Thank you to all those that have helped!

In Washington State, BBA, COS, and Wolf PAC Con-Con resolutions were introduced, but never came up for a vote before the deadline, so those Con-Con proposals are dead for the year!

In Wyoming, the "single subject Amendment" Con-Con application failed to get a majority of votes and the Convention of States Project (COS) couldn't even get an introduction vote (similar story in Colorado).

In South Carolina, a House Judiciary Committee hearing didn't go so well for COS. Their Con-Con application is likely dead for the year.

All of the New Hampshire Article V resolutions were voted down in committee.

The New Mexico legislature opposed Wolf PAC's Con-Con application, which died in committee last week.  

In case you missed it, Idaho, Virginia, and South Dakota recently killed Con-Con applications as well.

Let's continue our success! Rescissions can happen. Take a look at our JBS status map to see where your state stands. Many states are still being targeted and only six more are needed to trigger a modern convention.

Let your state legislators know of these victories to help them stand their ground! Our new video, "Tricked Into Gun Control," is a highly relevant eye-opener to share.

If you're not part of the fight, contact your JBS coordinator today. Just input your zip code and get contact info for your area. With your help, we will win!

Thanks again to all who have given so much!

Be sure to visit our action page for new tools, news, and action items: Source: Email from The John Birch Society

A Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution, also called an Article V Convention, or Amendments Convention, called for by two-thirds (currently 34) of the state legislatures, is one of two processes authorized by Article Five of the United States Constitution whereby the Constitution, the nation's frame of government, may be altered. Amendments may also be proposed by the Congress with a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.


All of our current Amendments were proposed by the Congress and then ratified by the States.  This is the safest way to pass Amendments. The Article V process that starts with petitions from the states results in an open convention that is a threat to our original Constitution.  The delegates to this convention are appointed by State Legislatures.

25 State Legislatures have voted to petition Congress for an Article V Convention. The fact that this initiative is failing is a good thing. It would result in the adoption of the “New States Constitution” written by Liberals and based on the Soviet Union Constitution.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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