Saturday, February 3, 2018

Classified Information

This includes information that would be used by an enemy of the US to harm the US. In defense work, this would be the frequencies used in transmitting “secure” information.


During wars it includes US military plans the enemy would use to derail these plans including troop movements and dates when plans would be implemented (lose lips sink ships).  The date and time of the beginning of the D-Day invasion was classified.


It also includes information that would disclose the names of US Intelligence Agents enemies would use to assassinate or arrest these agents.


Information disclosing detail about US weapons and other military devices being developed is classified. The Atom Bomb information was classified. US radar capabilities are classified.


Clearance for individuals to have access to limited categories of classified information may be granted after an intensive investigation no a “need to know” basis. Also see below:


Classified information does not include political spying. It should be reserved to the military and intelligence agencies and engineers who develop military equipment.  It should not be in the FBI. They should be dealing with domestic crimes and assisting law enforcement units when needed. I think we were not careful enough when we started to share information between agencies after 2001 and I think our current FBI problem is an “unintended consequence” of that. I think we can still share databases, but the power to designate information as classified should be limited. The FBI should classify its information as “Confidential” to protect innocent citizen’s reputations, but that’s all.

Nothing exceeds like excess and that is continually demonstrated at “foggy bottoms” in DC.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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