Friday, February 2, 2018

Republican Attrition

We have lost some of our best Republicans in Congress.


Trey Gowdy

We are about to lose one of our best Republicans.  Trey Gowdy, US House Rep from South Carolina has announced that he will leave Congress. He was elected in 2011 and has been a star. He doesn’t have a top score on Conservative Review Scorecard, but he does score a decent 76%. He succeeded Jason Chaffetz and chaired the House Oversight Committee since 2017


Jason Chaffetz

We lost Jason Chaffetz, from Utah in 2017. He served in the US House from 2009 to 2017 and chaired the House Oversight Committee before Trey Gowdy. I’m glad to see Jason on Fox News.


Jeff Sessions

We lost Jeff Sessions from the US Senate when he became US Attorney General.  Jeff Sessions led the fight to end excessive immigration and was an exceptional Senator and Chairman and was one of my favorites. He was quick to join the Trump campaign and can share credit for Trump’s election and our economic recovery.


Dr. Ron Paul

The Democrats called him Dr. NO. He served in the US House for 37 years for Texas from 1976 to 2013 and his Conservative Review Score was 100%. He would vote NO on any Bill that was unconstitutional, including budgets. He delivered annual epistles to the House and accurately predicted all the problems their policies would produce. He was the original Constitutional Conservative and helped establish the Tea Party.


Dr. Paul Broun

Democrats also called him Dr. NO. He served in the US House for 8 years for Georgia and his Conservative Review Score was also 100%. He would also vote NO on unconstitutional Bills. I know Paul Broun and I am proud of him for having the grit to serve as a Constitutional Conservative.


Jim DeMint

He served in the US Senate for South Carolina from 2005 to 2013. He also served in the US House from 1999 to 2005. He was another Constitutional Conservative and an early Tea Party leader and was one of my favorites.


Newt Gingrich

He served in the US House for Georgia from 1979 to 1999 and served as Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. He crafted the “Contract with America” and enabled Republicans to take over the US House in 1994 after 40 years of Democrat control.  I knew Newt. He was my Congressman and I served on his Technology Committee. Newt became the visible leader the Republican Party at a critical time and should have been nominated in 2012 to run for President. Newt joined the Trump campaign and can take credit for our economic recovery and return to Constitutional government.


I didn’t like seeing these “Best Republicans” leave the Congress. We need more Constitutional Conservatives not less. Continuing our necessary reforms will require our “Best Republicans” to win House and Senate seats in 2018 to retain control of Congress.


We currently have 26 Republicans in Congress with Conservative Review Scores from 90% to 100%. This includes 4 Senators and 22 House Reps. We need to double this number.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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