Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bannon storms Europe:

Let them call you racist! by Ann Corcoran 3/11/18

Steve Bannon, Trump’s right hand man during the run-up to Trump’s upset victory in the US presidential race in 2016, is traveling around Europe spreading a populist message,
painfully aware that Europe is in deep trouble and if globalist-instigated migration to the continent continues, Western Civilization itself will be in danger of collapsing in this century.

That reminds me, I recently watched the excellent documentary film, ‘The Fight of Our Lives.  You can order it here (or attend a showing near you).  Using interviews with some very smart people, it lays out the threat from without and the threat from within to our western way of life.  Needless to say, the invasion of Europe is a big part of the film.

Invasion of Europe news….Here is Mother Jones report on Bannon’s European tour: Steve Bannon to French Far-Right: “Let Them Call You Racist…Wear It as a Badge of Honor”

Former White House strategist and Trump whisperer Steve Bannon has a message for members of France’s far-right, xenophobic National Front party. “Let them call you racist,” he told the crowd at the party’s congress in Lille on Saturday. “Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists. Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”

Bannon: History is on our side with Marine Le Pen

Mother Jones continues….Bannon, who was swept out of the White House after unflattering quotes of his appeared in Michael Wolfe’s book Fire and Fury, is currently traveling Europe and whipping up support for various nationalist and anti-immigrant parties. “They see what Breitbart did and they want it in their own language,” he told the New York Times, referring to the right-wing site he left in January. “That’s the key. Right now my sites are in English. They want one in their own language.”

He told the Times that he had a “fascinating” meeting earlier this week with the leaders of the hardline Alternative for Germany party. The AfD, now the third-largest party in Germany, is hostile toward immigrants and Muslims, arguing for stricter immigration controls and bans on minarets and niqabs. Not long ago, two AfD officials responded to a public service announcement by German police that ran in Arabic as well as German by tweeting, “Are they seeking to appease the barbaric, Muslim, rapist hordes of men?”

The Times also reported that Bannon might meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, an autocratic figure who has cracked down on his country’s media, judiciary, and electoral system. Blocking immigrants from entering Hungary is arguably Orbán’s signature issue. Bannon, who declined to say whether he was meeting with the Hungarian leader, called him a “hero” and “the most significant guy on the scene right now.”

And Bannon has embedded himself in Italian politics, lending a hand to the populist forces now on the rise in that country.

In France, Bannon reportedly met with the National Front’s leader, Marine Le Pen, who was defeated in last year’s presidential election by centrist Emmanuel Macron.

Bannon is exactly right on the “racist” name-calling! Take away the power of the word by laughing at them!  Humor is the most powerful political weapon (Saul Alinsky).

I’ve said often that we should have a gala every year to celebrate all those that the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as racists.

(I don’t mean to brag about my honors, it would just be a fun gathering that would also send a powerful message because it would end, once and for all, the SPLC’s power with the media.)

See the New York Times on Bannon (wrecking the European establishment!), here, and Fox News here. My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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