Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Corporate Values

I believe that corporations need to stop imposing their “values” on everybody else. The “globalism” scam started all of this in the 1980s.  

US multi-national companies got their "values” from the UN. We saw this with the raft of “diversity” indoctrination.

My job since 1971 has included writing policy and ensuring government regulatory compliance for corporations. I was always the one who read the Congressional Quarterly and spend time in the law library with the BLS and CCH books whenever any complicated regulations were announced. The goal for me became to comply with the regulations, but avoid becoming a victim of these regulations or a regulatory zealot.

My career involved “turn-around” management and I worked as a “change agent”. But the changes I wanted had more to do with efficiency, growth, automation and job enrichment than with regulatory compliance. When “training” was required I published the training summary and didn’t march the entire workforce in for a lecture.

I had no problem with anti-discrimination employment laws, because I knew abilities were not diminished due to race or sex. I knew “Gays” were a sub-culture, but I also knew they had abilities. I knew that employees were responsible for their own choices. I sought to hire those who were the best at what they do and were able to work well with others.

I always objected to corporations who crossed the line and insisted on imposing a list of “acceptable behaviors” on employees. Lots of these were highly politicized companies with questionable business practices and it looked like a cult dedicated to fleecing the customers. Arthur Anderson was the poster child for this kind of company.

I believed that employees would perform better if they were encouraged to do what they loved and allowed to be themselves. I included work rules in policies, but these were minimal and common among companies.

Corporations need to recognize that their Liberal bent is suicidal. They need to stick to their knitting and work on product and service improvement and cost reduction, not global socialist political happiness.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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