Monday, April 9, 2018

Climate Refugees

Don’t say I didn’t warn you! The Left is advancing climate refugees as the next big crisis, by Ann Corcoran 4/6/18

This is a subject I’ve touched on from time to time—I have 51 previous posts on the topic.

There is a new phenomenon in the global area called “climate refugees”. A climate refugee is a person displaced by climatically induced environmental disasters. Such disasters result from incremental and rapid ecological change, resulting in increased droughts, desertification, sea level rise and the more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, cyclones, fires, mass flooding and tornadoes. All this is causing mass global migration and border conflicts.

I hope to continue to bring it to your attention because it might seem like a fringe issue to you, but you can be sure the NO Borders political machine is advancing it as one more reason to erase borders worldwide (and redistribute wealth from the first world to the third world).

There has been some controversy however about the use of the word “refugee” since the ‘humanitarians’ don’t want the environmentalists appropriating the word.  Nevertheless, from the bits and pieces I have read, they are moving closer to an agreement.

I’m not proposing you buy this expensive book, but am just putting this out to you as one more ‘heads-up’ on the subject.

Facilitating the Resettlement and Rights of Climate Refugees: 

One of the most significant impacts of climate change is migration. Yet, to date, climate-induced migrants are falling within what has been defined by some as a ‘protection gap’. 

This book addresses this issue, first by identifying precisely where the gap exists, by reviewing the relevant legal tools that are available for those who are currently, and who will in the future be displaced because of climate change. The authors then address the relevant actors; the identity of those deserving protection (displaced individuals), as well as other bearers of rights (migration-hosting states) and obligations (polluting states).

The authors also address head-on the contentious topic of definitions, concluding with the provocative assertion that the term ‘climate refugees’ is indeed correct and should be relied upon. 

The second part of the book looks to the future by advocating specific legal and institutional pathways. Notably, the authors support the use of international environmental law as the most adequate and suitable regime for the regulation of climate refugees.

With respect to the role of institutions, the authors propose a model of ‘cross-governance’, through which a more inclusive and multi-faceted protection regime could be achieved.
“Cross-governance” sound a bit ominous!

Addressing the regulation of climate refugees through a unique collaboration between a refugee lawyer and an environmental lawyer, this book will be of great interest to scholars and professionals in fields including international law, environmental studies, refugee studies and international relations.

You can bet this will be required reading for your little darlings attending Leftwing colleges and universities (LOL! the high price of the book suggests that is where it is headed!).

Click here for my ‘Climate refugees’ category.
This may be the only place on the political right where you can find this much coverage (even as little as I have provided) on the subject.


UN scams never end. Currently, these weather disasters are handled by countries voluntarily sending relief and aid to these countries and allowing their populations to remain there to rebuild. Adding “climate refugees’ as an additional alternative to our already questionable “jobless refugees” won’t fly.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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