Monday, April 9, 2018

The Honduras Problem

So Hondurans have been recruited by the open borders crowd to march to the US border and we need to turn them back and not let them in.

Honduras has a population of 8 million with a labor force of 3.4 million and 60% below poverty.  The poor end up in drug gangs. 

Central America drug routes are at the center of the problems these countries have been plagued with since the 1960s. Prior to that, these were peaceful agricultural countries producing tropical fruit, sugar cane, coffee and other commodities.

Honduras is smack in the middle of the South American drug highway. It is located in Central America in a grouping of small countries north of Panama. Honduras borders Guatemala El Salvador and Nicaragua and serves as a drug route from South America to the United States.

The drug gangs use their money and death threats to corrupt the governments in these countries. Reformers are routinely assassinated.

Their GDP is $18 billion, their per capita GDP is $4700 a year. Exports of $8 billion a year include coffee, cigars, fruit, bananas, palm oil, lobster, apparel and automobile wire harnesses. Imports of $11.2 billion a year include machinery, transport equipment, industrial raw materials, chemical products, fuel and foodstuffs. 

Honduras and the rest of Central and South American countries who have the drug gang problem need to roll back the clock to 1950. The drug gangs need to be removed at their source and their US consumers need to get clean.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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