Sunday, April 8, 2018

US Refugees Down

Trump on pace to break Bush record of lowest refugee resettlement numbers since 1980 law enacted, by Ann Corcoran 4/3/18

Bush (so far) holds the record for low refugee admission years:  Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.

We have now reached the six month mark of the first full fiscal year of the Trump presidency and Trump could easily break the Bush record set in 2002 of 27,070 refugee admissions for one year. (See post here on the Bush record low years.)

At the six month mark, the Trump Administration operating well under a CEILING of 45,000 refugees, is at 10,548 admitted so far. Muslim numbers drastically reduced to 16% of total.
Assuming that rate continues for the next six months, Trump could be at 21,000 (give or take a few) for the year, handily smashing President Bush’s record.

Since the nine federal contractors are paid on a refugee per head basis for placing the refugees in your towns and cities, they surely are taking big hits to their budgets.

Here is a map from Wrapsnet of where those 10,548 have been placed. Wyoming is the only state in the nation that never signed up to ‘welcome’ refugees and for some unexplained reason, Hawaii gets very few even though the government there has said they welcome diversity!

Top ten resettlement states are in descending order: OH, TX, NY, WA, CA, PA, AZ, NC, GA, and MN. Admissions by month for the last ten+ years (Wrapsnet):

The top sending countries so far in FY18 are:
DR Congo (2,569), Bhutan (1,925), Burma (1,769),
Ukraine (1,176), Eritrea (760)

In recent years the Muslim refugees accounted for sometimes as close to half of all refugee admissions. As of April 1, of the 10,548 admitted, 1,725 are Muslims of one sect or another.  (Data maintained at Wrapsnet)
Significant numbers of Muslims are coming in the Burma and DR Congo flow.

Let the President know what you think! Contact the President by clicking here.

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.
As long as the nine contractors are paid largely by you via Congress and the US Treasury, and then act as community organizing/political agitators, there will never be serious reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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