Saturday, May 5, 2018

Democrat Narrative is Hollow

Left-wingers use attack tactics to silence debate from all who don’t embrace their narrative. The narrative is that anyone who questions their crazy schemes is evil. The refuse to respond to questions. They show up to repeat their narrative. They refuse to discuss facts, because facts don’t support their narrative.  We see this on cable news every day.  Liberals are long on identifying everybody else’s problems and emotionally obsessing about solving their problems.


Liberals are not good at coming up with effective solutions, so they don’t want to talk about real solutions. But they are relentless in implementing solutions that end in disaster. They are bullies with bad ideas. They are Socialists who want government to run everything. They want equal outcomes for everybody. They are all emotion and energy with zero judgment and no common sense.


Liberals want everybody else to join them in their obsessions and are ticked off when we don’t.  They are more interested in trying everything to fix other people. When it doesn’t work they want us all to try the next goofy idea they cook up. If we don’t go along, we are evil.


Liberals have no sense about individual responsibility or consequences. They don’t think their “victims” are capable of doing anything for themselves.  They have no clue about economics or human nature. They have no sense about free will, personal responsibility or consequences.


Hollywood wants all of us to believe that make-believe is real, because their livelihood depends on it.  The news media is stuck on “leading by bleeding” and asking victims
how the feel. Liberals are addicted to feelings. They think the rest of us are their lab rats.


Ben Shapiro explains his technique for dealing with these Left-wingers in his Youtube video below:


Ben Shapiro: Follow These 10 Rules When Debating Leftists

Norb Leahy, Dunwody GA Tea Party Leader

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