Monday, May 7, 2018

Discrimination Required

Good judgment and common sense requires that we discriminate against ideas that are useless or stupid. A useless idea is one that will have no effect on the problem. A stupid idea is one that will actually make more problems. We see stupid ideas in the myriad of actions hastily taken by government. They pass a law that sounds good and later on the “unintended consequences” make things worse. The poster child for this is the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 that caused the Meltdown of 2008.

It makes no sense to discriminate against people based on race, gender or other irrelevant criteria.  All people have their capabilities somewhere in the normal curve. We need to identify their best skills and put them to work with what they love to do and are good at doing. If they are not a fit for what we need, we shouldn’t hire them.  We are just wasting their time and ours.

We should discriminate based on what people can do when we hire them. We need to judge who is the best fit for the job. We need to avoid hiring people who are useless or stupid. They may not chose to use their capabilities. They may not have the level of capabilities we need.

There is also discrimination applied to individuals based on the damage they do.  Criminals need to be avoided, because they might harm us.  Drug addicts are frequently no welcomed in their own homes by their own families. Those who are erratic and asocial or are just a pain to be around are shunned and ignored. Those who commit crimes are “banished” to jail.

We look to associate with people who are responsible for themselves and a pleasure to be with. Discrimination is based on the individual.

Groups with problems are suspect. Here is where our laws abandon reality. It may be a violation of the law to shun these “protected groups”, but if these groups are known to take more drugs or commit more crimes or may pose a danger we tend to avoid them. We believe these sub-groups live in pockets. We know not all members of these groups are bad news, because we know other we believe are solid.

Muslims are suspect, because they have been committing terrorist acts since the 1970s. Also, their Koran instructs them to convert the infidels or kill them. Their recent history is to migrate to Western countries, form “no-go” zones, ignore our laws, commit crimes and terrorist acts and act like violent foreign invaders.  I don’t expect Muslims to reverse the bad perceptions most US citizens have developed over the past 50 years. We will continue to view them as guilty until they prove themselves to be innocent.

Liberals are suspect, because nothing they say makes any sense. Their policy ideas are rife with danger to our economy and our well-being. They are socialists who pose a danger and they have taken over our universities, public schools, media and government.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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