Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lame Georgia Primaries

Georgia Primaries are underway and voters will go to the polls on May 22.  The issues the establishment candidates are running on are lame.  Few candidates are talking about reining in the voter abuse issues or addressing reforms. Nobody is talking about repealing bad law. Once again, these gutless wonders will try to eek into office.

Republicans are stuck on the abortion and gun rights issues and are hoping that their state-wide name recognition will get them elected. It’s weak. Real Republicans are not happy with the Georgia Legislature passing “Regionalism” to implement UN Agenda 21. They are not pleased with the $2 billion debt without a popular vote for the Brave’s stadium deal in Cobb County. They are not pleased by the fact that Georgia cities and counties are allowed to borrow based on the tax registry that includes all private property, rather than their actual assets. They are not happy with the “traffic calming” incompetence of GDOT. They wonder why the legislature is backing more subsidized public transit. They wonder why DeKalb and Fulton water and sewer systems are failing, when they fund these beasts with $1 billion a year. They remember all the city and county voter abuse they suffered since 2008. They are tired of cities giving tax holidays to companies and subsidizing “economic development” failures with their tax dollars.

Democrats are known Communists and won’t be picking up enough independent voters to make a difference. But they will send illegals and dead people to the polls. Also, there are a boat load of unopposed Judges nobody knows anything about.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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