Saturday, May 5, 2018

US Refugee Update

Another month with small numbers of paying customers for the refugee contractors, by Ann Corcoran 5/1/18

Month number seven of fiscal year 2018 ended last night, and from the contractors point of view, it was another dismal one for agencies collecting a per head payment for refugees they place and ‘take care of’ for only a few months.

April’s total was 1,607 which is below average for the previous six months (average 1,758 for previous months this FY). 

It will be interesting to see what happens with the Refugee Program and those SIVs now that a couple of serious hardliners are in place.  CAIR recently called Pompeo an “Islamophobe.”

I know for many of you this is 1,607 too many, but believe me this is catastrophic for those NGOs that got fat and lazy on budgets as much as 99% supplied by the US taxpayers.
In September of 2017, President Donald Trump (the President has the complete authority to set the cap for the coming year), set the FY18 cap/ceiling at 45,000.  At the present rate he will likely just pass the 20,000 mark for the year. There is no legal requirement that he reach the CEILING he set!

The total admissions for the regular refugee program for this year are now at 12,156. (However, 8,480 Special Immigrant Visa holders/families from Iraq and Afghanistan must be added to that. They are paying customers too!)

Top five ‘welcoming’ states are Ohio (902), Texas (896), New York (737), California (697) and Washington (692).
(So much for Texas withdrawing from the program!)

Bottom five ‘unwelcoming’ (not including territories) states are Mississippi (2), Washington, DC (1), West Virginia (1) and Hawaii which wants a whole lot of them (0), and Wyoming which has never joined the program (0)! In a few days more data will be available at Wrapsnet (Refugee Processing Center) on nationalities and I’ll give you a rundown then (less work for me now!). Somalis trickle in….

However, since one especially anxious reader wanted to know how many Somalis have been admitted this fiscal year, the answer is 222. 74 of those went to Minnesota and the remaining were scattered across 24 other states. How long will it take them to migrate to MN?

One thing I haven’t mentioned for a while is the fact that refugees can move wherever they wish in America, even right away.  In refugee industry lingo it is called “secondary migration” and Minnesota is always the top destination state for secondary migrants.

Contact the White House and tell the Prez what you think—it will take only a few minutes and every little bit helps. Contact link in the top right hand column at RRW!

I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!).

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services (welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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