Wednesday, May 9, 2018

US Refugee Update

Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark, by Ann Corcoran 5/8/18

From 2008 to 2016, the US admitted 547,671 refugees. The average per year was 60,852 refugees. In 2017, the US admitted 53,716.  In 2018, the US admitted 12,188. See table on original post.

The world is divided into 5 regions for the purpose of setting ceilings and admitting refugees. See how many we have admitted so far….
Here is a summary of where we are now based on the Region, the ceiling and how many have been admitted so far:

Africa – ceiling is 19,000 and 4,865 were admitted. Top countries: DR Congo (3,265), Eritrea (882), Somalia (222)

East Asia - ceiling is 5,000 and 2,161 were admitted. Top country: Burma (2,120)

Europe - ceiling is 2,000 and 1,885 were admitted. Top countries: Ukraine (1,259), Russia (266), Moldova (139)

Latin America/Caribbean – ceiling is 1,500 and 398 were admitted.  Top country: El Salvador (398)

Near East/South Asia ceiling is 17,500 and 2,879 were admitted. Top countries: Bhutan (1,966), Afghanistan (466), Pakistan (228). Iraq comes in at a paltry 109 when it previously was by far the dominant sending country in the world.

Muslim admissions - Just what we need, more demonstrations!  Rohingya refugees protesting Burmese politics in Arizona last September:

Top three countries sending Muslim refugees: Burma (572) as top Muslim-sending country is a shocker. These would all likely be Rohingya! Afghanistan (432) Somalia (222) Other countries sending Muslim refugees include: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq and Pakistan.
The fun begins anew in only a few short months! So, in summary, the CEILING for the year (FY18) is 45,000 and we are, as of April 30th, at 12,188.

While the Europe ceiling has been almost reached after 7 months. As you know, the President set the CEILING for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2018 back in September at 45,000.

We are now 7 months in to that fiscal year and the US State Department database (maintained by contractor Wrapsnet) has a detailed accounting of who we have admitted and where they are from.

First, here (below) is a graph showing the CEILING and the actual monthly admissions numbers for the last ten years. On April 30th, the seven month mark, we have admitted 12,188.

When you go to Wrapsnet, here, this is data from a spread sheet found by clicking on this line under Admissions Reports: PRM Admissions Graph April 30, 2018.
(They usually update these numbers around the 5th of each month for the previous months of the fiscal year.)

Of the 12,188 refugees admitted in the first seven months of this fiscal year, 1,947 belong to one of several Muslim sects.

The new fiscal year (2019) begins October 1 and in September the President will set the ceiling for that year.  RememberA ceiling is a cap not a target to be reached!

What can you do!   Contact the White House and praise the President for reducing numbers, but tell him that isn’t enough, he must PERMANENTLY reform how we make decisions about resettling refugees.  If he doesn’t, it will be full steam ahead for the next President who could simply double, triple or quadruple the numbers to make up for what he/she will see as ‘lost time.’ (White House contact link is in upper right hand column here at RRW).

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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