Friday, July 6, 2018

When have Liberals ever been right?

They cling to unproven theories that reflect their dismal view of humanity. They are Darwinian Atheists, who claim we evolved from micro-organisms in the sea, but they have no proof. This is a scam.

In 1872, they ignored the US Constitution and the restrictions on government owned land and began to grab land from States to establish national parks and wildlife areas and now this is 30% of the US land mass. They ignored their duty to send an Amendment to get State ratification. This was a scam.

In 1913, they tossed aside the laws of economics and opted for a managed economy and we see now that leads to sovereign bankruptcy when the consumers no longer control the price using supply and demand. This is a scam.

Since 1913, they debased the US dollar to achieve a dollar that is worth 3 cents. The managed economy led us to a $20 trillion debt.  You would have thought they knew this was unsustainable, but they paid no attention to why Rome went broke with worthless coins.  This is a scam.

In the 1930s they thought we needed a government pension system, so they invented Social Security, an unsustainable Ponzi scheme designed to use our retirement deductions to fund bigger government. This was a scam.

In the 1960s they thought that the world would run out of food and by the 1970s we had immense increases in crop yields to prove them wrong. This was a scam.

In the 1960s, they predicted that the US population would become an immigrant populated majority and they kept open borders and passed excessive immigration policies to ensure that this would happen.  We demanded border control and Congress ignored us.  This was a scam.

In 1965, they created Medicare, making medical care a federal program to drive the cost of medical care to unsustainable levels through excessive subsidies.
In 1965, they created Medicaid, making indigent medical care a federal program, prompting the closing of county health facilities. This was a scam.

In 1965, Congress passed chain migration as part of the Immigration Law.

In the 1970s they thought that the world would run out of oil and they locked up 30% of the US land area and didn’t allow drilling. In 2015 we invented fracking to extract oil and discovered vast areas of oil exploration. We demanded that oil drilling continue and Congress ignored us.  This was a scam.

In 1986, Congress passed the Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act, requiring all hospitals to treat non-paying patients. Hospitals started cost-shifting to paying patients. This is a scam.

In 1986, Congress passed the immigrant green card lottery allowing migrants to enter they US with work permit vista, get a green card and become citizens regardless of merit.

In the 1990s, they thought that carbon emissions would cause global warming, so they implemented a plan to replace nation-states with a global dictatorship outlined in UN Agenda 21 published in 1992. This was a scam.

In 1993, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act, forcing lenders to give mortgages to unqualified buyers. This combined with HUD anti-discrimination rules caused the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown.

Liberals believe human beings are too weak to govern themselves and need to be told what to do by them. In exchange, they set up elaborate wealth transfer payment schemes. This is a scam.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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