Sunday, August 12, 2018

Presidents’ Responsibilities

National defense is the first responsibility of all Presidents. Those who hold the highest office within their countries have a responsibility to the citizens to secure their countries from invasion, war and destabilization.

The power vacuums that result when governments topple are too often filled by just another dictator.

The best defense for most countries is a citizen militia, because they would have allegiances to the citizens as well as the government. Militia members should be vetted to allow them to own their own weapons. They should have the opportunity to be deputized by local law enforcement.

The best way to deal with a citizen revolt is to hold open meetings all citizens can access to hear both sides. If citizens are split 50:50, an election should be held.

Revolutionaries who refuse to meet would be suspect. Governments who arrest these revolutionaries would be suspect.  The citizens should be called to vote after each has made their case. 

If the government wins the vote, those revolutionaries who continue to disagree should be subject to loss of citizenship, deportation and banishment for life to countries where their views are common.  If the revolutionaries win the vote, the government should hold elections to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

Citizens are better off if they can effect changes in laws and policies and should be able to vote on major issues by casting ballots.

Terrorists Groups who wage war and commit crimes should be exterminated by the militia and Special Forces.

Government must control borders and immigration to avoid illegal migrant invasion, terror groups and criminal infestation.  Welfare programs for non-citizens are taxpayer subsidies for welfare immigrants, criminals and terrorists It is a really dumb idea that costs taxpayers $384 billion a year.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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