Monday, August 13, 2018

US Oil Production

The key to closing the US trade gap is for the US to produce and deliver those things that have high value and high global demand. Oil and LNG are at the top of the list. The cost of living in the US is too high to return all manufacturing to the US, but robotics will need to be used to do this and that takes time. We have a $20 trillion government debt and need to stop deficit government spending, increase US productivity and secure cash-flow.  We are building pipelines and LNG facilities to become energy exporters.

US crude oil consumption is 20 million barrels per day. US crude oil production for 2018 is expected to be 10.7 million bpd. US oil production will increase to close the gap between consumption and production as oil and natural gas pipeline infrastructure is completed. The strategic goal is to become energy independent and use oil and gas exports to reduce our trade deficit. The US will become a net exporter of oil and gas as global demand increases.

US crude oil production in May 2018 was 10.442 million barrels per day. Top 5 oil producing States were:
Texas 4.243 million bpd,
Gulf of Mexico 1.507 million bpd
North Dakota 1.237 million bpd
New Mexico 0.651 million bpd
Alaska 0.496 million bpd

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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