Thursday, September 13, 2018

Obama vs Trump

The Obama era was made possible by the Financial Meltdown of 2008 that was caused by the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules. Lenders were forced to give mortgage loans to unqualified buyers and their loans defaulted. The mortgages had been resold as “investments” that became toxic. Democrat policies caused the Meltdown, but Republicans failed to prevent it. McCain’s campaign was lame and Obama and the socialists won the election in 2008.

Obamacare was passed in 2009 by the Democrat majority to force citizens to buy health insurance. It was socialized medicine with insurance company subsidies. It forced the 50% healthy to subsidize the 5% sick and poor. Premiums and deductibles exploded. Insurance costs became unsustainable.

Obama based his policies on the global warming hoax and squandered $trillions on unnecessary climate change mitigation and further suicidal environmental regulations. He doubled government spending from $2 trillion to $4 trillion per year.

The Obama economy created government jobs and minimum wage jobs. The minimum wage jobs went to non-citizen migrants.  Labor Force Participation data revealed that 100 million working-age US citizens were unemployed.

The US had offshored its manufacturing jobs and decimated the middle class beginning with NAFTA in 1993. By 2000, most manufacturing jobs were moving to China, Indonesia, Mexico, Canada and other countries.

The stock market was subsidized by Federal Reserve “quantitative easing” (money printing) and low interest rates. We were closing coal power plants and looking forward to a 500% increase in our electric bills.  Other unnecessary EPA rules were pending to destroy what was left of the US economy.

Bush II had already doubled the national debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion with wars in the Middle East that weren’t worth the cost.

Obama encouraged further destabilization in the Middle East with the “Arab Spring”, creating the Syrian and Libyan conflicts and encouraging terror activities in Yemen, Somalia and Africa. Obama also signed on to the Iran Deal and was ready to complete UN Agenda 21 abuses.

Obama doubled the national debt again from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. GDP growth was 2% because US multi-national company profits were high because of lower labor costs and no regulations in the foreign countries who were making our manufactured goods.

The big losers were millennials who had no jobs to go to after college and have huge student debts through Sallie Mae.  Next were rural counties who lost all of their manufacturing plants. Next were teenagers who saw all of their minimum wage jobs go to immigrants and refugees.  Finally, everybody except the multinational corporations saw their incomes reduced and their health insurance costs soar.

Trump was elected in 2016 to restore the US economy and return manufacturing jobs to the US and rebuild the middle class.

Trump took office in 2017 and cancelled Obama’s Executive Orders and rolled back unnecessary and damaging regulations allowing the US to avoid suicidal power bills. Trump reduced immigration by refugees and illegals and passed tax cuts for corporations to become competitive and allow them to return earnings for US investment.  Trump unleashed permits to drill for oil and natural gas and build needed pipelines

The first middle class jobs returning to the US include oil, gas, pipeline and infrastructure construction jobs in oil producing states.  Next were other construction jobs to build factories in the US and expand necessary infrastructure.

To address the terror threat, Trump enlisted Arab countries to take responsibility for ensuring that terror groups were defunded. He imposed sanctions on North Korea and re-imposed sanctions on Iran.

To address the trade deficit, Trump began bi-lateral trade talks with Mexico and has challenged trading partners to lower their trade barriers or face tariffs. Trump imposed steel and aluminum tariffs to comply with US defense needs and rebuild these industries in the US. Trump is pressing Canada to sign on to the requirements in the Mexican trade agreement.  Trump has invited the EU and all other trading partners to lower their trade barriers.  Trump is working on China to stop intellectual property theft.

We expect the repeal of Obamacare and a new law to require Immigration based on merit. We expect to end welfare for illegal immigrants. We expect the border wall will be built to control drug cartel entry to reduce crime. We expect tighter visa control.

We expect Republicans to retain control of congress in 2018 and expect Trump to be re-elected in 2020.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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