Tuesday, October 2, 2018

American Problems

This blog has a lot of page views from many other countries.

What must you think of Americans if you watch what’s on our TV and in our newspapers and magazines. If you also know that our students no longer perform well in international standardized tests you would be correct to assume that our education system has declined. You will also note a decline in the quality of our TV programs, movies and music. You will note the protests and property damaging riots perpetrated from the Left. You will also note that our Universities censor Conservative speech and many of our government employees are Liberals and Socialists.

You should know that our National Debt is $21 trillion and our Unfunded Liabilities are $124 trillion, but Congress refuses to cut government spending. You can’t miss the intensity of our ideological political divide between Trump Supporting Republican Capitalist voters and Democrat Socialists.  It doesn’t paint a pretty picture.

The US has been in a bloodless civil war over socialism vs free market capitalism for over 100 years. Our Congress has allowed our US Constitution to be violated since 1872. I can trace the genesis of this ideological battle back to the publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx in 1848.

I got to visit Singapore in 1984 to set up a Subsidiary to handle sales for Asia and found the people to be family oriented, smart, happy and diligent. Their schools were rigorous and their leaders were smart. Lee Kuan Yew was the Prime Minister of Singapore and he gets the credit.

My wife and I were fortunate to visit Germany for 2 weeks in 1993 to set up a Subsidiary to handle sales and service for Europe. I was impressed with the volume of business news and the goodness and competence of the Germans we met as we toured in our free time around Frankfurt and Dusseldorf. Germans were defending their socialized medicine program and I was concerned that socialism would get them into trouble.

We were also fortunate to visit Italy for 2 weeks in 2001 to tour Rome, Assisi, Venice, Verona, Pisa and Florence. The Italians needed to expand their private sector economy to improve their citizen’s living standards, but the Italians were friendly, helpful and fun. It’s nice to see their national GDP go up.

My travels produced empathy and good will to those of you who live in other countries. I am a product of European ancestry with interests in history, economics and the advancement of nation-states. I want us to avoid repeating mistakes and believe we should be leveraging our strengths and eliminating corruption.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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