Monday, October 1, 2018

Article V Convention Update

What's Wrong With a Balanced Budget Amendment Article V Convention?

Notice how the "BBA Article V Convention Status" map at left still has the date, "November 2017." We're deliberately leaving that date on the map to emphasize that no more states have approved applications for a BBA Article V convention since 2017. So, the current status is that 28 states have applied out of the required 34. (And, by the way, Article V conventions cannot be limited to consideration of only one amendment anyway.)

However, many legislators in the 22 states that have not applied for a BBA Article V convention are still getting emails, etc., urging them to apply for such a convention. The best antidote for anyone tempted to support a BBA Article V convention is to view the 8-minute video, What Will Balance the Budget?, either online or by viewing a DVD.

If you live in one of the 22 states without a "live" application for a BBA Article V convention, please urge your state legislators to view the online video (see graphic) or arrange to show them the DVD version. Then ask them to oppose applying for such a convention

If you live in one of the 28 states with a "live" application for a BBA Article V convention, please urge your state legislators to view the online video (see graphic) or arrange to show them the DVD version. Then ask them to introduce and pass a rescission resolution to cancel your state's applications for a BBA Article V convention, as well as all other Article V convention applications.

Please send an email to your state legislators with the appropriate message for your state.

Thanks. Your Friends at The John Birch Society

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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