Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Common Sense Healthcare

Every individual person is unique, so healthcare is subject to trial and error, trying treatments to see if they work. Diagnoses is also trial and error. Many completely different diseases have the same symptoms.  Diagnoses and treatment is tricky.  All of this has an impact on cost.

There are people who are going to counseling when their real problem is metabolic. If you feel “funky” the first thing you need to do is get a blood test and a copy of the full report to see what chemicals are deficient. This needs to be the first step. If your levels are optimum and you still feel funky, you need to look up your “funky” symptoms on the internet to see what’s next. It could be food allergies. To check this out, go on a 3 day water fast and then test your reaction to the foods you have been eating, one food item at a time.

Everybody needs to take control of their own healthcare and act like they are paying for it, because they are actually paying double. Our excessive healthcare expenses are being paid for with money that could be added to our earnings.

Everybody needs to take 100% of their daily requirements of vitamins and minerals.  The list is on your multi-vitamin bottle. You need to buy supplements, because multi-vitamins usually have some of what you need, but not all.

A lot of health problems are related to weight. If you take 100% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals you won’t be hungry. Meal size should not exceed the size of your fist. If you can get your weight under control, you will avoid getting Diabetes II and lots of other problems. I started taking a 400mg magnesium supplement along with my multi-vitamin and lost 37 pounds. I’m just not hungry, because I’m now getting all the vitamins and minerals I need.

Healthcare is overpriced and underperforming. Big Pharma price gouging needs to end. Coverage needs to be for “rescue and repair” medically necessary procedures only. Healthcare is over-regulated and that drives up the cost. Malpractice caps need to be installed.

The invention of penicillin in 1928 and its introduction in 1942 was a game changer. Antibiotics cures previously incurable inflammation and inflammatory diseases. We haven’t seen anything close since 1942. We have only seen expensive treatment and no cures.

Consumers need to take control and get smart. Over half of our healthcare costs are unnecessary. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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