Wednesday, October 3, 2018

False Witness

False Memories – Delusions are common with mental illnesses from the Schizophrenic who believes he is Napoleon to the snowflake who thinks she was raped.  We’ve seen post-hypnotic suggestion on the stage when a hypnotist makes a volunteer from the audience act like a chicken and then not remember it. 

False Accusations - We’ve seen reports of children falsely claiming abuse after their sessions with therapists who encourage delusions. We’ve seen cult victims who have been brainwashed and take years to deprogram. In the middle ages, witch hunts resulted in hundreds of innocent people being burned at the stake for political purposes.
False Beliefs - We’ve seen citizens of tyrannical countries who have been abused into supporting their tyrannical leaders. We’ve seen religious cult victims who accept the delusions of their “Prophet Captors” and are subjected to child rape, polygamy and emotional abuse. We’ve seen political scams like global warming, environmentalism, multiculturalism, secular humanism and socialism wreck the economies of our nation-states. We’ve seen our own children subjected to political propaganda and brainwashing in our schools and universities. We’ve seen Communist “re-education camps” brainwashing prisoners to submit to Communism. We’ve seen criminals use threats of physical harm and bribery to commit theft and commit atrocities. We saw Hitler blame the Jews for the poverty of the Germans and get by with it. We saw Nero blame the Christians for the burning of Rome, when he actually ordered it to clear land for his new palace. We saw the Democrats dodge their responsibility for the 2008 Financial Meltdown and doubling the national debt by 2016 and get by with it.

We’ve seen several strategies used to scam us including information suppression, peer pressure, promotion of false narratives, threats, violent protests, slander, liable and suppression of free speech and freedom of association.

False witness is displayed in our history, our literature and our movies. The Manchurian Candidate shows how conditioning can be used to create an assassin who is unaware of his programming and witnesses who are programmed to accept implanted delusions.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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