Monday, November 5, 2018

Entitlement Derangement Syndrome

Democrats have this illness and it starts at an early age.

This begins in childhood, when children start to demand things from their parents. Kids tend to want “stuff” and the freedom to do what they want to do. Parents need to explain why their kids can’t have some the “stuff” they want and why they need parental supervision. Parents need to explain to their kids that they need to learn self-discipline and self-reliance to become self-supporting, l

Entitlement is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. It implies the fact of having a right to something.

Some kids have a problem with having parents impose limits on the “stuff” they can have and the things they can do. Parents need to be able to establish rules and impose discipline.

Entitlement Derangement Syndrome can be seen when children are frustrated that they are not allowed to do anything they want to do in a public place like a grocery store. They are often over-tired. Some children are strong-willed, have a low frustration tolerance and are disrespectful. They are in danger of not developing a conscience, not learning right from wrong and becoming sociopaths.

Entitlement Derangement Syndrome can also be seen in adults, who insist on “rights” they do not have. They believe that violent protest is how they can get their way.  You will see them rioting, breaking windows, burning cars and attacking passers-by. You will see this on TV News and read about it in the newspaper.

The US Constitution declares that citizens have the God-given right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and declares that the US government should preserve these rights for its citizens. It formally recognizes “Free Will” and “Personal Sovereignty”.

The US government was established to serve a “Private Sector-Free Market” economy that allowed for the right for citizens to own private property. The US federal government was structured with limited “enumerated powers” to ensure that citizen-voters would be able to replace their elected representatives.

Our Founders knew that States had government bodies and reserved local governance to the States according to the 10th Amendment included in the US Constitution.

States were free to pass laws governing local matters, but would not operate in violation of the US Constitution. The Federal government would provide for national defense, treaties, immigration, foreign relations, coining money and little else.

Knowing that legislators would have their own “special interests”, a system of checks and balances was established. The Congress was divided into a House and Senate and both had to approve legislative changes. The President also had to approve the laws. The Supreme Court was responsible for interpreting the Constitution and render opinions on cases they agreed to hear.

It didn’t take long for Legislators to begin to attempt to expand their governing powers passed the limits imposed by the US Constitution.

The current Democrat Party is fueled by millions of US citizens who have developed entitlement derangement syndrome over the past 40 years. The entitlement scam became clear in the 1980s, but had its roots in the 1960s. These are rebellious children who are willful and didn’t have or take their parent’s advice. Rule-breakers have always had a hard time and they develop sociopathic tendencies to justify their deviate behavior. The children of the 1960s became the adults of the 1980s.

US Profanity Laws were enabled in 1934. Under the Communications Act of 1934, Congress creates the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to oversee private use of publicly owned broadcast frequencies. While these early regulations primarily apply to radio, they will later form the basis of federal television indecency regulation.

In the 1950s, TV programs were required to keep their content free from pornography, nudity and sex acts. Consequently, TV was squeaky clean.

Several events triggered the “Sexual Revolution” of the 1960s. First and foremost was the introduction of the birth control pill in 1960. The pill promised to allow couples to have sex and prevent pregnancy.

In 1953, the first issue of Playboy Magazine was published and featured Marilyn Monroe on the cover. It promoted sexual freedom in protest to profanity laws. The magazine was restricted to be sold to adults only by mail order and was not displayed on magazine racks.

Before 1960, TV and movie production companies were required to censor the content of their products and they were tired of these federal laws.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the US was involved in stopping the spread of Communism to other countries and South Vietnam was asking the US for military aid.  In 1961 the US sent 400 Military ‘advisors’ to work with the Vietnamese Army. The US military build-up began in 1965 and continued until 1973 when the US military evacuated from Vietnam.

This war was misdirected and was ended by US withdrawal and a Communist victory in 1975.  The US involvement included 2.7 million US military, One out of every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam was a casualty. 58,148 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.7 million who served. Although the percent that died is similar to other wars, amputations or crippling wounds were 300 percent higher than in World War II. 75,000 Vietnam veterans are severely disabled.

Protests against the Vietnam War dominated the US media from 1965 to 1973. US voters were divided between those who wanted to win the war and those who wanted to end the war. Those who wanted to end the war became “Liberals” and they continue to protest for open borders and social welfare.

After 1973, Communists quickly began to work to convert dozens of countries in South America and Africa to Communist and they succeeded. In 1989, the USSR was facing a financial collapsed and they voted out Communism, released its satellite nations and established a Republic.

In 1992 the UN published UN Agenda 21 outlining Global Governance and enlisted governments and corporations to support open borders using the global warming hoax as an excuse. In 1993 the European Union was formed to assume governance of most European countries. In 2008, Obama was selected to implement UN Agenda 21 in the US. In 2016 Trump was elected to reverse what Obama had done.

The Liberal protesters are now attempting to stop Trump by electing Democrats to take control of the US Congress in the mid-term election on 11/6/18. Democrats have a terminal case of Entitlement Derangement Syndrome. They believe they are entitled to convert the US into a Socialist Republic as a final step to being absorbed by the UN under an unelected global government. Read the book or watch the movie titled “1984”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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