Monday, November 5, 2018

Liberals Make Things Worse

God has done a good job for millions of years taking care of His creation. The Universe is a beautiful but is a violent and dangerous place. The Earth is placed in a corner of our solar system where collisions from asteroids and deadly radiation are rare.  The Earth has its own hazards with lightening, fire, hurricanes, floods, volcano eruptions, earth quakes, mud slides and harmful microorganisms. But the inhabitants of Earth continue to learn how to avoid being harmed by nature by moving away and sheltering themselves from these threats.

Liberals are compulsive about solving human problems according to their world view and they regard humans as the problem. The actually hate people and want people to be controlled. But people are sovereign and have free will and resist being ruled by tyranny.

In the comedy opera “The Makado”, the Lord High Executioner explained this in the song “I’ve Got a Little List” (and They’ll None of Them be Missed”). He explained that his job was to eliminate those who are “irritating”.

Liberal solutions for the problems they want eradicated are in conflict and they counteract each other. They all want to solve these unsolvable problems by using your tax money.

Liberals noticed the poor when drought and famine broke out in poor countries and this “irritated” them. They didn’t realize that drought and famine are common, localized, temporary and should be mitigated by the countries where they have occurred. It’s not their problem, but their immediate reaction was their compulsion to fix it, because it “irritated” them. 

They claimed that the global population numbers must be limited by governments, because there wasn’t enough food. They were wrong, but dozens of countries passed laws to limit the number of children that would be allowed in each family. These laws created problems in the demographics of these countries.

Liberals still think there are too many people and this “irritates” them, so they insist on providing abortion and sterilization across the globe. But they also demand that we eradicate diseases that predictably break out in poor countries. They never mention the contaminated water and lack of sanitation in these countries or attempt to fix the basics.  It’s as if they don’t want the real problems to go away, so they can continue to enjoy being “irritated”.

They also insist that your tax money be used to eradicate global poverty, because it “irritates” them. So they insist on welfare for everybody. But providing welfare based on the number of children encourages more poor children. Encouraging excessive welfare recipient immigration is unsustainable.  Liberals don’t admit this. Our economy requires high employment of US citizens, continuing increases in productivity and continual lowering of costs. But Liberal’s policies reflect the opposite.

When their schemes fail, they insist that we try another dumb idea to solve these problems that “irritate” them. If we object, they call us stupid and heartless. But we have evidence since 1872 that Liberal policies have been caustic and Liberal politicians should be banned from government completely.  Their evidence is thin and laughable and their conclusions are absurd and damaging. Liberals have earned the right to be voted out of power, ridiculed and ignored.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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