Wednesday, November 7, 2018

US Political Divide

The political division in the US pits Liberals against Conservatives.

Conservatives want to follow the US Constitution as written. The want limited government. They reject global governance and they reject socialism. They prefer bi-lateral trade and don’t mind using tariffs. They are committed to restoring manufacturing back to the US and are committed to optimizing the US economy. They want to increase private sector employment.

Liberals want to ignore the US Constitution as written and claim that it is a living document they can change without voter approval. They support global governance. They want socialized medicine, open borders and drug legalization. They want to preserve welfare for non-citizens and want non-citizens to vote. They want uncontrolled immigration. They would sign up for all UN schemes and resume excessive foreign aid. Liberals have no problem cutting US military spending and increasing spending on more socialist welfare programs. They would add to the $21 trillion national debt and add to the $124 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Democrats vote in a block and back all Liberal views.

Republicans are split between Liberal “Establishment Republicans” or RINOs Republicans in name only) and Conservatives Over half the Republicans are Liberal and vote like Democrats.

The field leveler is campaign contributions.  Most US politicians are dependent on funding from corporate and special interest campaign contributions.  The actually don’t work for the citizens, but rather work directly for their campaign contributors.

Trump funded his own campaign and is not beholden to special interests. Trump continues to convert Liberal Republicans to the Trump Agenda, which is essentially Conservative. This Agenda would restore US immigration to support labor needs and stop allowing Welfare Migrants to enter the US. It would also allow private sector forces to reduce healthcare costs.

US Education is over-funded by tax dollars and therefore the cost has become unsustainable. It has also become a Liberal propaganda re-education camp that uses our damaged culture to brainwash our students to become Marxists.

In the US, the high cost of healthcare, education and government are too high. US consumers have lost the ability to control prices using the law of supply and demand. This allows consumers the right to buy chicken when beef prices rise. Beef providers then lower their prices. No government actions or subsidies are required.  The US government needs to begin to reduce subsidies gradually to correct this suicidal trend.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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