Sunday, December 9, 2018

Conservatives vs. Progressives

Watch the video. Conservatives and Progressives view Individuals and communities differently. Conservatives ask “what can I do for myself, my family, my community and my fellow citizens”. Progressives ask “where does “injustice” exist, what isn’t fair and what am I owed. What has offended me today and what must my country do for me” Achievement becomes Aggrievement    

Conservatives and Progressives view diversity and choice differently. Conservatives focus on diversity of ideas and individual choice.  Progressives separate people into competing communities. That creates identity politics. They don’t tolerate different views. Progressives focus on government to impose ideas and eliminate individual choice.

Conservatives and Progressives view “We the People” differently.  We differ on what We the People is and how it should work. Conservatives like freedom of choice; progressives like government enforced tyranny based on their world view.

Conservatives believe in individual sovereignty, individual rights, individual responsibilities and individual achievement. Conservatives believe in families, parent’s rights, school choice, freedom of religion, immigration control and communities from the bottom up.  Conservatives want to follow the US Constitution (as originally written).

Progressives are interested in uncovering “injustice” and exacting punishment and retribution for “offenses”. Their only solutions are totalitarian government control from the top down. Progressives don’t accept the will of the voters; they want to overturn all laws they don’t like by any means possible.

See video at:

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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